Do as I say, minions; not as I do – Meryl Dorey

Happy New Year to all, and I wish everyone all the love and success they deserve.

Meryl Dorey popped in to the Australian Vaccination Network Facebook page for a brief appearance. Dorey has been busy finding a new name for her deceptively named organisation. That, or she has been in the panic room forging new weapons of mass self-destruction. Who knows.

Anyway, Dorey’s brief comment, in reply to another anti-vaccinationist’s inaccurate whine about the nasty Stop the AVN, had me a little intrigued, after I stopped laughing:

Ignore them. They are irrelevant. Dammit. Anyhow, I'm off.

Ignore them. They are irrelevant. Dammit. Anyhow, I’m off.

I had a spare hour or so, so I thought I would check out Dorey’s blog posts from 2012, to check out how Dorey ignores Stop the AVN. I excluded reblogs, reproductions, and her incessant tweets which were annoyingly linked to her blog. I also excluded the main topic of her Facebook page (SAVN), and her Twitter account (SAVN), with its associated hashtags of #skepticfail and #StopSAVN, which really took off. Comedy beckons. It really does.

In 2012, Meryl Dorey wrote 56 blog posts.

In 2012, Meryl Dorey referred to Stop the Australian Vaccination Network in 34 of those 56 blog posts.

That’s some good ignoring, champ.

No one mention the war.

About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
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