Anti-vaccine chiropractors 28

The Chiropractic Board of Australia has had enough:

“We will not tolerate registered chiropractors giving misleading or unbalanced advice to patients, or providing advice or care that is not in the patient’s best interests,” chairman Phillip Donato said.

Dr Donato said chiropractors should only provide evidence-based treatment and anyone with concerns should report them. [Sydney Morning Herald August 9 2013]

This guy is awesome. He is basically mooning the CBA, ordering them to go away, or he shall taunt them another time. Meet Jeffrey Mathews:

Mathews 7 profile pic

Matthews makes money from his customers at Innate Expression Chiropractic, in Queensland. He is a staunch supporter of the anti-vaccination pressure group, the Australian Vaccination Network. How staunch is he? This staunch…

Only two days ago Mathews shared this blog post of lies from the AVN:

Mathews 8 Tasha David blog post lies about compulsory vaxFour days after the CBA announcement about the anti-vaccine crackdown, Mathews posted this vile, anti-vaccine, Meryl Dorey screed:

Mathews 1 AVN Vaccination Roulette linkAre we sure he knew about the CBA crackdown? Yes, we certainly are:

Mathews 2 CBA article re antivax infoHere is another post of misinformation from the AVN:

Mathews 3 AVN link re COsVaccines cause autism, via YouTube:

Mathews 4 AVN link to autism hearingsThat shocking YouTube video, an anti-vaccine staple:

Mathews 5 YT video shocking testimonyAnother Dorey screed:

Mathews 6 Dorey blog post lost freedomsThe CBA needs to act, now. Mathews shows a belligerent indifference to the health of the public, and the board’s directives.

About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
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