The Chiropractic Board of Australia has had enough:
The Chiropractic Board of Australia cracks down to protect the public.
The Chiropractic Board of Australia is cracking down on chiropractors who step outside their primary role as healthcare practitioners and provide treatment that puts the public at risk.
To protect public safety, the Board has:
– ordered practitioners to remove all anti-vaccination material from their websites and clinics
– removed several courses from the list of approved CPD programs, and
– introduced random audits of practitioner compliance with the Board’s registration standards. [Media Release August 8 2013]
I heard a rumour – and it’s just a rumour – that the star of today’s show was to feature in his own podcast series. It was canned after the first episode – investigating the facts for and against immunisation – the audio being indistinguishable from the sounds of a roaming hobo barking at parked cars. Plus, Cyndi O’Meara and her friends had already recorded such an audio on the Up for a chat podcast. It had been done.
Keith Farrugia is a businessman who manipulates customers at the Forest Chiropractic Centre, in NSW. As seems mandatory, Farrugia is a member of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia, as well as the Australian Spinal Research Foundation. He is/was also a member of the discredited, despicable anti-vaccination pressure group, the Australian Vaccination Network. It’s like a three-fer. Here is his take on immunisation…
Immunisation is just like jabbing poisons into your child’s arm for the benefit of Big Pharma:
Gardasil destroys girls’ ovaries? How? With fricken’ lasers? Oh, no. Disregard. It’s written by Heidi Stevenson, the deranged owner of Gaia Health:
Paydirt. Billy DeMoss. Vaccines. Autism. Chiropractic treating autism. We’ve seen this sickening picture before, here:
Farrugia shares that Meryl Dorey petition, claiming something that isn’t happening, to people she can’t produce:

Maybe these anti-vaccine chiropractors are just really, really gullible? It’s not their fault they don’t understand.
I think we have peak BINGO!
Apparently the truth is being hidden. Let the anti-vaccine nephrologist, Suzanne Humphries, tell you the truth; via the high impact Journal of YouTube:
Kick him out, CBA. This person is bringing your profession into disrepute.
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