The Chiropractic Board of Australia has had enough:
The Chiropractic Board of Australia cracks down to protect the public.
The Chiropractic Board of Australia is cracking down on chiropractors who step outside their primary role as healthcare practitioners and provide treatment that puts the public at risk.
To protect public safety, the Board has:
– ordered practitioners to remove all anti-vaccination material from their websites and clinics
– removed several courses from the list of approved CPD programs, and
– introduced random audits of practitioner compliance with the Board’s registration standards. [Media Release August 8 2013]
Mr Anthony Barbieri is a Melbourne-based businessman who manipulates customers of all ages, for money. His principal location of manipulation is Uniquely Chiropractic. I couldn’t find any association memberships, but, I would strongly advise Barbieri to join the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia; the anti-vaccination zealots, the Australian Vaccination Network; and Astonishing Claims Anonymous. You can find the latter on the internet, I’ve been told.
Barbieri shared this anti-vaccine meme. Vaccines don’t cause autism. But, you knew that:

BREAKING: Italian courts send scientists to gaol for failing to predict earthquakes. Berlusconi? He’s okay.
Stick to advising your customers about their shoe choice, Mr Barbieri; because immunisation information…it’s just not your thing. The Gaia Health lie:
The “Pneumonia vaccine” doesn’t work? From Mercola? You just know it isn’t true:
And, the pièce de résistance, Barbieri links to the execrable anti-vaccine liar, Meryl Dorey, and her horrid little blog, lying about the HPV vaccine:
These must be mandatory. The testimonials:
This is what the Chiropractic Board of Australia has to say about the use of testimonials:
Guidelines for advertising of regulated health services
5 What is unacceptable advertising?
This section is intended to provide a clear indication of the
type of advertising of services that the boards consider to
be unacceptable. Where examples are provided, they are
intended to assist practitioners and other persons who
advertise regulated health services to comply with the
advertising provisions of the National Law. They are not
intended to be exhaustive.To comply with s. 133 of the National Law and these
guidelines, advertising of services must not:(d) use testimonials or purported testimonials
Come on, CBA. Mr Barbieri wants one of those random audits. I can read between the lines.
9 Responses to Anti-vaccine chiropractors 45