Another venue cancels Tenpenny anti-vaccine seminar

Confirmation has just come in that Michael’s Oriental Restaurant, in Brisbane, has cancelled the upcoming seminar and dinner events booked by Stephanie Messenger and her fake anti-vaccine foundation, GanKinMan. Anti-vaccine activist Sherri Tenpenny has been ejected from yet another venue. This is proper. Owner Michael Nee has confirmed in private:

Both Functions have been cancelled.

The cancellation was also noted on Facebook at 1820 hours:

we act based on our courtesy, which we appreciate that the actual organiser have given great consideration to cancel the event at our venue.

Tenpenny 47 Michael's cancel

On behalf of babies, children, adults, and especially public health: thank you Michael.

Of the seven venues booked by Messenger, six have now cancelled. Of those six cancellations, three have stated they were misled into accepting the booking by Messenger, being told only that they were booking a child health or SIDS charity event.

This is the list of my posts regarding the Tenpenny seminars, so far:

The original post contains all of the venues and their contact emails, with cancellations noted in retrospect. The post also contains an important section on Stephanie Messenger, her fake foundation, and the alleged financial shenanigans going on behind the scenes:

2015 anti-vaccine tour of Australia – the Tenpenny caravan of hurt

The second post contains a list of all media items – around 50 links, so far – regarding the Tenpenny tour. There is also an extensive collection of screenshots which show why the callous Tenpenny is a direct threat to public health to whom facts mean nothing, as do ethics:

Getting to know Sherri Tenpenny – a guide

The third post is an update of the venue cancellations, also containing evidence to show that at least three venues were misled into accepting bookings from Messenger. There is also information contained regarding Rydges South Park Hotel Adelaide and their insistence on maintaining the Messenger booking regardless of a similar, previous decision they took to the contrary:

Venues confirm being misled by anti-vaccine Messenger – Tenpenny tour

The fourth post is a letter which was written to Michael’s Oriental Restaurant, and Rydges South Park Hotel Adelaide, two nights ago. The letter contains clear examples of the threat posed to public health by Tenpenny, as well as Australian evidence rebutting the claims of free speech which have been made in defence of Tenpenny’s right to misinform wherever she likes:

Tenpenny: Letter to Rydges South Park Hotel Adelaide, and Michael’s Oriental Restaurant Brisbane

This leaves one venue still willing to support hosting Messenger and Tenpenny.

Rydges South Park Hotel Adelaide is now well aware just how much of a threat Tenpenny poses to public health. They are aware that they are not obliged to provide Tenpenny a forum. They are aware that they denied Julien Blanc a forum in which to conduct his vile seminars. And, as of last night, Rydges is aware that their own Code of Ethics and Business Conduct  states this (AHL is the parent company of Rydges):

AHL and the Community:

As individuals and as a Group, we contribute significant time and resources to promoting the health, welfare, and economic stability of the communities in which the Group operates.

Rydges 1 AHL code of conduct health of the communityThe AHL Code of Ethics also says this:

Employee Health and Safety

All employees have a responsibility to ensure that the Group’s products, services and operations, meet applicable government health and safety standards, and AHL standards.

Rydges 4 AHL workplace health governemnt standards

And if that isn’t enough of a reminder for them, AHL is a Silver Partner of the Starlight Foundation:

Rydges 3 AHL silver partner StarlightI’m quite sure all of you know what the Starlight Foundation does.

Spoiler: they do the opposite of what anti-vaccinationists do:

Rydges 5 Starlight helps sick kids

Please consider sending them a polite, yet, firm email:

Adelaide: Rydges South Park Hotel [CANCELLED] 


About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
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