[Originally published as Anti-vaccine chiropractors redux 12 – dedicated to #CAAgotyourback and #chiropractic]
I really am dedicating today’s post to the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (CAA). Without them I would never have been reminded to have a proper look at the professional Facebook page of today’s guest.
The CAA have been having a time of it of late. There is a new evidence-based, chiropractic representative body kicking into positive gear and accruing new members like no one’s business: Chiropractic Australia. This has seen a number of articles in the press which have also featured the travails of president-elect, Helen Alevaki, who has agreed to undertakings after being investigated and found in need of corrective professional behavioural adjustment by the Chiropractic Board of Australia. Alevaki was caught bragging of sneaking into hospitals without permission. It seems she is only sorry she got caught.
Add to all of the above the still unexplained, apparent astroturfing of this blog by the Chief Executive Officer of the CAA, Matthew Fisher. We are yet to hear reasons as to why his IP address – from which he used to comment on my blog – was also used by two inane fake accounts who commented on the same blog post in support and pride of chiropractic. I’d email the CAA and ask; but, they don’t respond. Look, I don’t blame them.
So, it is with some magnanimity and gentillesse that I shoulder some of the recent burdens of the CAA; I want to help them out by giving their triumphal hashtags #CAAgotyourback and #chiropractic a boost. The CAA has been on a bit of a public relations drive, given it is celebrating 25 years as a representative organisation in which “leadership, advocacy, excellent member services and building the evidence base” abounds. You have got to hand it to the brave mavericks at the CAA: most organisations celebrate milestones by actually celebrating. But, not the CAA. The CAA just celebrates millstones.
But, back to today’s honoured guest; courtesy of the CAA (thanks again). Mr Jeffrey Brooks is a chiropractor who runs a business called Sydney Chiropractic Care. He is, of course, a member of the CAA who claimed him as a representative of their own after he appeared on Channel 9 News to promote a new gizmo. There’s even a CAA poster on the wall in the image:
There are a lot of images to get through today. I apologise in advance. There are many posts claiming the existence of subluxations which need to be adjusted away and the need for chiropractors to get their hands on newborns which are fresh out of the oven; so many, in fact, that one almost becomes unperturbed at their presence. But we have to start somewhere.
Brooks shares this post from the anti-vaccination paediatric chiropractic organisation, the ICPA, which is run by CEO Jeanne Ohm. This post claims that chiropractic is effective in treating ADHD in children. Oh yes they do:
This professional chiropractic post from 2012 – still located on Brooks’ professional chiropractic Facebook page, like the rest of the following images – asserts that vaccines caused an increase in cancer. Note the date of the source:
This anti-influenza vaccine post asserts that the “vaccine empire has collapsed”:
This is magnificent. From conspiracy central, Wellness Uncovered:
Here is the large image so we can take it all in. Vaccines. Fluoride. GMOs…
Since we raised the topic of fluoride it would be a crime against humanity if we didn’t include this one:
Where would any modern-day conspiracy theorist be without their own Guy Fawkes mask, I ask? I suppose it’s possible they’d be at the Brisbane anti-vaccine protest; but, these guys are on the professional Facebook page of a registered Australian chiropractor:
Next up there is some aspartame misinformation:
Maybe “misinformation” is too kind a euphemism:
I mean, did you guys know that you can catch death from aspartame? I didn’t:
This is where things get serious. Remembering that this registered health practitioner is wont to share anti-vaccine conspiracy theories we must also ask ourselves what the chances are that he is fully immunised. In contrast, the new chiropractic representative association, Chiropractic Australia, recommends its members are immunised as per National Health and Medical Research Council recommendations for health care workers. How good are they?
What does the old CAA recommend for its members? It doesn’t. It condones unimmunised registered health practitioners, who share anti-vaccine misinformation, laying their hands on brand new babies. Think about that:
These paediatric chiropractic posts are ubiquitous to CAA members’ social media marketing. And let’s not kid ourselves; this is cradle to grave marketing and practice building. Subluxations from birth:
The 95% misalignments at birth canard:
This little one got benefit from chiropractic because her mother was adjusted whilst pregnant! That is one hell of a claim:
More happy birthtime chiropractic for the purposes of diagnosing and treating the mythic:
The 95% misalignments at birth canard, again:
And a variant of the above birth images:
Subluxations at birth aren’t the only marketing tool. As per the CAA’s brave new direction, subluxations are the new black. Are you living a “Subluxation Free Life”? Well, are you? Is there really a God? Who knows. Maybe call Pascal and put $50 on Who’s Got Your Nose in the fifth at Randwick:
Did you know that you could have a subluxation and not even know it? You’d better take that bet and start reading the bible:
Chiropractors are obliged, by law, not to break the law. This is also the case in regards to advertising and marketing. There are these Guidelines for advertising a regulated health service, for just this purpose. And these guidelines state:
Section 133 of the National Law regulates advertising of regulated health services. It states:
1. A person must not advertise a regulated health service, or a business that provides a regulated health service, in a way that—
c. uses testimonials or purported testimonials about the service or business
This is not hard to understand. But, for chiropractors especially, it appears to be written in Klingon. I could throw a monkey poo over my left shoulder right now, at Facebook, and I would certainly hit a chiropractic testimonial on an Australian chiropractor’s Facebook page. And Brooks is no different.
This is banned:
This is banned:
This is banned:
This is banned:
This is banned:
This is banned:
This is banned:
Linking to a Google Reviews site, from your business’s website, where people can leave testimonials is banned (they are still under Brooks’ control):
The above leads to this page on Google Reviews:
None of this is hard to understand. It is against the law. It would be refreshing to see the Chiropractic Board of Australia enforce the National Law. It is pretty much one of the major reasons the CBA exists.
I wanted to finish off with some more anti-vaccine posts from Brooks. We have covered other chiropractors who have linked to and heavily promoted the anti-vaccine chiropractic infomercial, Doctored. Anti-vaccine chiropractor Brett Hill was ebullient in his adoration of the advertorial. Who wouldn’t be?
There is this. No, really, there is this:
There’s Burzynski!
There’s the anti-vaccine Canary Party, asserting that vaccines cause autism:
There’s Mercola, on GMOs:
With the calibre of talking heads featured in Doctored one would certainly need some even wiser heads to promote the advertorial.
Like, Billy DeMoss. You will see that Brooks really likes this infomercial:
I mean, really, really likes it:
I mean, really, really, really likes it:
I mean, really, really, really, really likes it:
I mean, really, really, really, really, really likes it:
I mean, really, really, really, really, really, really likes it:
I mean, really, really, really, really, really, really, really likes it:
What better way is there to finish a post on anti-vaccine, conspiracy-driven, subluxationist chiropractic – as promoted by the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia – than linking to The Big Red Flag of Orange County (Billy, above).
If you made it here, thanks for reading.
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