Fathers Day musical interlude: of remembrance…and loss

Sometimes it can be a little frightening how close an affintiy one can have with a song:

I’m turning out just like my father
Though I swore I never would
Now I can say that I have a love for him
I never really understood
What it must have been like for him
Living inside his head

I feel like he’s here with me now
Even though he’s dead


Dear father you’re in my reflection now

As I reach out and touch you now where did you go?

Dear father I am still curious why

You still make me furious it was so long ago

Dear father I’ve got your photographs

Thank God for photographs hip hip hooray


Happy Fathers Day, guys…and to all those who are remembering fathers past and present.

Hip Hip Hooray

About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
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