On January 15 2011, Meryl Dorey claimed that a court ordered immunisation of a child was “rape…assault without consent and with full penetration”, and that the “judge who made the order and the doctor” who immunised the child were also guilty of this “rape”.
On April 22 2015 – only four days ago – the AVN said it again. They posted a graphic, violent image again claiming that vaccination is the same as rape, and that doctors are the same as rapists.
The Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network was universally shredded in the media, and in politics. From Melissa Davey, in The Guardian:
The federal health minister, Sussan Ley, has described as “repulsive” and “off the planet” suggestions by an anti-vaccination group that the government’s immunisation policy was akin to rape.
“This type of ill-informed and, frankly, disgusting campaign only serves to inform parents about the dangers of listening to these groups peddling anti-vaccine myths,” Ley said.
“Vaccination is essential to protecting the health of our children and this only spurs me on as health minister to roll out out our proposed myth-busting campaign to ensure parents can make an informed choice without having to witness this vile rubbish.”
Ouch. I like the cut of the Minister’s jib.
The Facebook page removed the offensive image. It took them seven hours! Dorey posted this grubby defence of the rape analogy on the AVN Facebook page. I note here that Dorey attempted the same defence in 2011 when a few page members voiced their concerns about her previous vaccine/rape claims:
The following article has been forwarded by one of our page members. I felt that many on this page (and perhaps those in the media who are capable of reading) might like to have a read. Please note the dictionary definitions of rape – these definitions pre-date the definition used today –
rape, (noun) … 4. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside. 5. Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force. (verb) … 7. to plunder (a place); despoil. 8. to seize, take, or carry off by force.”
Of interest we note that the very person from whom Dorey states she received the above link is the very same Nicole Johnson/Johanna Holland troll which has been proven to have vilified and attacked grieving families for almost six years, protected and supported by Meryl Dorey and her AVN. Here is the troll commenting directly below Dorey’s post:
The troll was also busy on Twitter, spamming the same link. I want to include this because it’s just funny. This happens to anti-vaccinationists a lot. They make a claim. Someone alerts the author being used to defend that claim. Author responds:
But, back to today’s topic.
In 2011 the federal government planned to tie welfare benefits to a healthy kids check:
From July 2011, parents or carers on income support who receive Family Tax Benefit Part A need to make sure their four year old child gets a health check before they start school.
In order to get the $726 end-of-year Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement, parents who are on income support must get their four year old children checked for health issues such as hearing or sight impairment before they start school.
That’s it. Good program, right? Pick up any little anomalies which a parent might miss? Well, not if Meryl Dorey and her anti-vaccine fundamentalists had have had anything to do with it. Dorey went on the warpath to hysteria.
On August 20 2011, Dorey wrote a Chicken Little blog post warning of the medical tyranny which was upon us all. The children of anti-vaccinationists and others of her ilk would be ripped from their parents, offensively invoking our original brothers and sisters for her own gain:
Remember, Australia is the home of the Stolen Generation and that happened because one group of people considered themselves to be experts in how children should be raised.
On August 21 2011 Dorey made the claims again in her official AVN Newsletter:
On August 28 2011 Dorey compared the implementation of the healthy kids checks to the Northern Territory Intervention, a Draconian practice in itself:
On August 23 2011 Dorey sent out a newsletter declaring that an AVN lobby group was going to make its way to Canberra to fight for health freedom. I can’t stress enough that few if any of Dorey’s dog-whistled omens would ever come to fruition. They wouldn’t come close. She was whipping up hysteria for her own benefit, as the passage of time has shown:
She never did make that trip to Canberra to fight for the rights of her followers.
In the same newsletter Dorey gives several positive mentions to the CCHR, which is the Church of Scientology; and she knows it. Maybe Dorey is always effusive in her praise of the CCHR because she sells at least four of their DVDs in her little shop of horrors:
So, as it was with Dorey and the AVN exploiting the horror of rape for their own ends, four years apart, so too Dorey again exploits the real horror of the Stolen Generation to prop up her flailing ethics, four years later.
Today, April 26 2015, Meryl Dorey again claimed that her made-up hordes of vaccine-damaged children are to be another stolen generation. There isn’t any idea, any people that Meryl Dorey will not exploit for her own curdled ideological ends:
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