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Category Archives: AVN
Australian Vaccination-risks Network posts anti-vaccination billboard in Brisbane
The Australian Vaccination-risks Network (formerly Australian Vaccination Network, and Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network), has a NSW Health Care Complaints Commission public health warning issued against it and its president Meryl Dorey: The AVN has steadfastly refused to amend its anti-vaccination … Continue reading
Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination-risks Network, AVN, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network
Tagged abuse, anti vaccination, APN Outdoor, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, Australian Vaccination-risks Network, AVN, AVsN, billboards, HCCC, Health Care Complaints Commission, meryl dorey, vilification
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Unconscionable: Australian Vaccination-risks Network promotes convicted criminal
I haven’t written about ex-Queensland police officer Chris Savage for a couple of years. From 2016, Antivaxer Savage bailed in NZ and asking for donations: Thanks to the man himself we now have an update on the whereabouts and latest happenings … Continue reading
Posted in anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination-risks Network, AVN, Chris Savage, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network
Tagged anti vaccination, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, Australian Vaccination-risks Network, AVN, AVsN, conspiracy, dishonesty, meryl dorey
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Citing imprimatur of University of Wollongong, antivaxer Judy Wilyman trolls Light for Riley
Judy Wilyman – the anti-vaccination activist inexplicably granted a PhD by the University of Wollongong – has a long history of vilifying bereaved parents: several times, Wilyman has claimed that the whooping cough deaths of babies Dana McCaffery and Riley … Continue reading
Posted in anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, Brian Martin, hypocrisy, Judy Wilyman, Light for Riley, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David, University of Wollongong
Tagged anti vaccination, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, AVN, AVsN, Brian Martin, conspiracy, dishonesty, harassment, Judy Wilyman, meryl dorey, Tasha David, University of Wollongong, vilification
Allona Lahn: Meryl Dorey 2.0 complete with warnings of microchips
Last week, Queensland media outlets succumbed to lobbying from Queensland anti-vaccination activist Allona Lahn. Incredibly, one of them was ABC Sunshine Coast. It’s like no one at the station had learned anything from the past decade of embarrassing Meryl Dorey … Continue reading
Posted in Allona Lahn, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, Conspiracy theory, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network
Tagged Allona Lahn, anti vaccination, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, AVN, AVsN, conspiracy, conspiracy theorist, dishonesty, Fit to Parent Network, meryl dorey, microchips
During Melbourne measles alert antivaxers seek to deliberately infect their unimmunised children
On Tuesday February 20 2018, a measles alert was issued for Melbourne after an infectious person visited several locations: What is the issue? There has been one confirmed case of measles in Melbourne. The infection was acquired in Victoria and … Continue reading
Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, Immunisation, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David
Tagged abuse, anti vaccination, Australia: Childcare for Unvaccinated Children, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, AVN, AVsN, Dan DeBuriatte, dishonesty, Eugenie Kruger, hypocrisy, Measles, measles party, Melbourne, meryl dorey, Rochelle Senn, Sara Brookes, Tasha David, Trent Wiseman, Unvaccinated Australia
Anti-vaccination doxxing and defamation, the HCCC, and Holdsworth House Medical Practice
This post will be a little self-indulgent, in that it has been coming for a long time – fifteen months in the making – and that the circumstances surrounding the doxxing, defamation and vilification of a complete stranger, by anti-vaccination … Continue reading
Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, Belgin Colak Arslan, Brett Smith, Conspiracy theory, Health Care Complaints Commission, Holdsworth House Medical Practice, meryl dorey, mobbing, public health, Public mobbing, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network
Tagged abuse, anti vaccination, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, AVN, AVsN, Belgin Arslan, Belgin Colak, Belgin Sila Arslan, Belgin Sila Colak, Brett Smith, Brett Smith Naturopath, conspiracy, criminal defamation, defamation, dishonesty, Dr Phyto, harassment, HCCC, Holdsworth House Medical Practice, hypocrisy, Jane Hansen, Loretta Baxter, Loretta Blaikie, Loretta Salakas, meryl dorey, NSW Surveillance Act, Peter Tiernan, vilification
Antivaxer boasts of lying to procure fraudulent immunisation medical exemption and Centrelink entitlements
On January 23 2018, in hardcore anti-vaccination Facebook group Anti-Vaccination Australia – yes, the group run by Belgin Arslan, who, with Brett Smith of the discredited Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, vilified and doxxed an innocent Byron Bay physiotherapist and his family in … Continue reading
Posted in anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, Belgin Colak Arslan, Brett Smith, Immunisation, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, vaccination
Tagged anti vaccination, Anti-Vaccination Australia, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, AVN, AVsN, Belgin Arslan, Belgin Colak, Belgin Sila Arslan, Belgin Sila Colak, Centrelink, dishonesty, fraud, medical exemption
A new year brings fresh antivax trolling and vilification of Light for Riley
I’m being quite serious when I say she is suffering with delusions of grandeur and/or a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as if she somehow holds the power to prevent babies dying. She will use any possible way to get attention for … Continue reading
Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, Light for Riley, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, vaccination
Tagged abuse, Amie Walmsley, Anita Bugges, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, AVN, AVsN, Chelsea Kompler, dishonesty, harassment, hypocrisy, James Hellerman, Jerra Bullis, Jessica Parker, Katie Brock, Larry Cook, Lyndsay Schumacher, meryl dorey, Rae Gordon, Stop Mandatory Vaccination, Things pro-vaxers say, Tim Shandler, Trinity James, vilification
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Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network launches another vile attack on parents of deceased baby boy
The anti-vaccination pressure group the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network has decided that it is on a winner now that it is openly and directly attacking bereaved parents who advocate for the betterment of public health. This puts to rest the previous … Continue reading
Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, Health Care Complaints Commission, Immunisation, Light for Riley, meryl dorey, public health, Public mobbing, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David
Tagged abuse, Alison Gaffney, Anne-Marie Koelwyn, anti vaccination, australian vaccination network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network - HCCC Public Health Warning, AVN, AVsN, Clyde Shelton, dishonesty, Donna Harris, harassment, HCCC, Health Care Complaints Commission, hypocrisy, Jamie Elizabeth Crook, Janis Cole, Jason Van Krieken, Jo Fletcher, Kirsty Mckenzie, meryl dorey, Rixta Francis, Sabine Sa Val, Sumukhi Dasi, Supercut WA Pty Ltd Concrete Cutting and Core Drilling, Tasha David, vilification
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