In 2008, Andi Lew wrote a book with her former husband, anti-vaccine chiropractor and Chiropractors’Association of Australia (Victoria) board member, Warren Sipser. Sipser is/was also a member of the disgraced anti-vaccination organisation, the Australian Vaccination Network.
The book – 7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to Tell You: A Guide for Optimal Health – is an anti-vaccination standard which advises that homeopathy can be administered in lieu of real immunisation. I addressed the contents of the book’s anti-vaccine chapter in my 2013 post. For some reason the book is still available and no regulatory action has been taken against Sipser, who also remains on the CAA VIC board.
Andi Lew also appeared in this blog when she was interviewed by 9 News Melbourne, in 2014, as another just a mum, for an immunisation story; without declaring her anti-vaccine credentials.
Two days ago Lew told her Facebook friends about a new advertisement in which she appears:
The advertisement is for a health insurer, GMHBA. Andi Lew plays an optometrist in the ad. And she even made the cover photo for GMHBA’s Facebook page:
A huge thank you to reader “J” for pointing this out.
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