The Chiropractic Board of Australia has had enough:
“We will not tolerate registered chiropractors giving misleading or unbalanced advice to patients, or providing advice or care that is not in the patient’s best interests,” chairman Phillip Donato said.
Dr Donato said chiropractors should only provide evidence-based treatment and anyone with concerns should report them. [Sydney Morning Herald August 9 2013]
Meet Jana Judd (Jana Kingston). I have included her “about” page so we can all keep reminding ourselves that this post is not about anti-vaccination zealot, Meryl Dorey. I want you to remember this: Judd is a doula as well as an anti-vaccine chiropractor. She is present at home-births, and she has continual access to pregnant mums and brand new babies. Judd conducts business at Hands on Health Chiropractic, in Queensland. Judd is, rightly, a member of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia. Judd is a member of the anti-vaccination pressure group, the Australian Vaccination Network. Incredibly, she even says so on her bio. That takes some real moxy:
Judd shares this petition written by Meryl Dorey. You will notice the title would claim to be factual. Obviously, it isn’t:
Here Judd shares another AVN petition, claiming that parents are actually doing research when they come to their decisions not to immunise their children:
The Greater Good. The anti-vaccination, movie-length advertisement. Poor form:
Remember, Judd is a doula. An anti-vaccine doula. An anti-vaccine chiropractic doula. She has access to babies and new mums. Here she is sharing a post advocating against the Vitamin K shot. I can only surmise that Judd likes dead babies:
Like any good member of the AVN, Judd shares an ACTION ALERT. This is the one about the Healthy Kids Check, and how they will be just like the Stolen Generation:
Ultrasounds are dangerous. Everyone knows that, right?
When Judd published her Facebook page, the first thing she thought was, “how can I really set this thing up, showing what I really think about babies. What should be my first link?” Here is her very first link:
And just to finish off, here are the obligatory testimonials:
She is all yours, CBA. Here is your section on testimonials, just as a reminder:
Guidelines for advertising of regulated health services
5 What is unacceptable advertising?
This section is intended to provide a clear indication of the
type of advertising of services that the boards consider to
be unacceptable. Where examples are provided, they are
intended to assist practitioners and other persons who
advertise regulated health services to comply with the
advertising provisions of the National Law. They are not
intended to be exhaustive.To comply with s. 133 of the National Law and these
guidelines, advertising of services must not:(d) use testimonials or purported testimonials
10 Responses to Anti-vaccine chiropractors 26