[Originally published as Anti-vaccine chiropractors redux 2]
Today’s post will be rather underwhelming compared to the last one. That one was napalm-grade. But, it shouldn’t be underwhelming. The problem of chiropractors spreading misinformation about immunisation and other health-related issues still exists. And there doesn’t appear to be a lot of action coming from the regulator, the Chiropractic Board of Australia, despite a wealth of damning evidence of continued instances of this misinformation being readily available to them. Remember, the CBA are the ones who claimed they were going to conduct audits: a proactive step, to be sure, if ever carried out. From their own media release:
The Chiropractic Board of Australia cracks down to protect the public.
The Chiropractic Board of Australia is cracking down on chiropractors who step outside their primary role as healthcare practitioners and provide treatment that puts the public at risk.
To protect public safety, the Board has:
– ordered practitioners to remove all anti-vaccination material from their websites and clinics
– removed several courses from the list of approved CPD programs, and
– introduced random audits of practitioner compliance with the Board’s registration standards. [Media Release August 8 2013]
Today I want to introduce you to Mr Grant Bond, who runs a business called The Back Dr Shellharbour. Bond doesn’t appear to be a member of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia, which is odd as he appears to share their general philosophy. Bond is/was also a member of the rabidly dishonest anti-vaccination organisation, the Australian Vaccination Network. Indeed, his business page still lists the AVN among its likes:
I had seen Bond’s name before on the professional membership list of the AVN, but, thanks to a Twitter friend, his name popped up again.
On October 8 2013, two months after the CBA ordered chiropractors to stop making claims about immunisation, Bond uploaded this video (which I have also downloaded), on the subject of “Boosting Immunity Naturally”. It is a common occurrence on chiropractic pages for them to make advertising claims that chiropractic will boost your immunity. What I didn’t expect to see so brazenly stated in the video is a denial that immunisation can boost one’s immunity, or make it “stronger”:
In fact, if it was a contest, I’d put my old car on immunisation being able to boost your immunity much better than chiropractic. Of course Bond would beg to differ:
In another video Bond claims to be able to treat ear infections. We know this is just wrong. This is a false claim. This is false advertising. Yet, it is a claim so prevalent throughout chiropractic that the CBA must just ignore it. They see it. They must. But, they must ignore it:
Moving onto Bond’s Facebook page we see the promotion of the anti-vaccine documentary The Greater Good:
In another post there is an attempt to show balance by linking to Jabbed (a real, factual, balanced immunisation documentary); however, the post is undermined by their own clumsiness, alluding again to The Greater Good as a documentary which provides a “deeper insight…into the topic of vaccines”. Jabbed is also slurred as being “funded by the Australian Government”. That’s basically code for censorship, distrust of the man, and possibly government mind-control, or something:
Now, remember, Bond wanted to hold an anti-vaccination movie night. He supports rabid anti-vaccination organisations. He has odd beliefs about chiropractic providing a stronger immunity than immunisations. And, he treats babies and children, using them in his advertising:
Adjusting a baby to “help her get over her flu”. You read that right.
In this post Bond goes a step further with his treatment claims:
Do you know a child that suffers from chronic ear infections, re current colds & flu, “growing pains” bed wetting, ADHD or trouble concentrating at school? Refer them in for a complimentary assessment with us today so they can start enjoying life more.
And, to top it all off, Bond is also an anti-fluoridationist…
As one would expect, Bond also relies on the banned use of testimonials to promote his business. But, not only does he encourage testimonials, he entices testimonials with the offer of gifts:
And did this enticement with free gifts pay off? You bet it did. There are 22 testimonials on this page :
Whilst there are another 20 testimonials on Google Places:
This is what the Chiropractic Board of Australia has to say about the use of testimonials:
Guidelines for advertising of regulated health services
5 What is unacceptable advertising?
This section is intended to provide a clear indication of the
type of advertising of services that the boards consider to
be unacceptable. Where examples are provided, they are
intended to assist practitioners and other persons who
advertise regulated health services to comply with the
advertising provisions of the National Law. They are not
intended to be exhaustive.To comply with s. 133 of the National Law and these
guidelines, advertising of services must not:(d) use testimonials or purported testimonials
So come on Chiropractic Board of Australia. I’ve brought the random audit to you. Whilst chiropractors like this guy, and all of the others I’ve featured, appear free to conduct themselves like this, the decent guys of the Chiropractic and Osteopathic College of Australasia are being tarred with this unfortunate brush.
The whole thing is a dog’s breakfast.
Wait, what?
I’m still waiting for the course number from any Australian university which runs animal chiropractic courses.
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