Suspended chiropractor’s supporters liken themselves to Jews and AHPRA to Nazi Germany

On September 11 2017, supporters of the suspended anti-vaccination chiropractor Simon Floreani sent out an email calling on the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia to defend Floreani from the Nazis at the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, who are apparently intent on attacking all non-evidence based practitioners, the latter being the same as Jews during the Holocaust. Oh, and they want his professional  insurance reinstated.

I don’t need to add anything extra to this:

CAA President Election 2017

Many of you may be aware of the situation surrounding Dr Simon Floreani and his campaign to run for CAA President in 2017.

Many of you have asked “What can I do to help and support?”
This is what you can do to assist Simon and ensure that Wellness/Preventative Chiropractic and the vision for Chiropractic that our Founding Fathers had will survive in Australia.

Forward this email to “” with Subject Line, “Att: Dr Matthew Fisher”

To the members of the CAA National Board,

I write to you as a CAA member in good standing in support of Dr. Simon Floreani. I ask that the CAA mount a vigorous defence on his behalf.

Like many chiropractors across Australia, I am alarmed by the seeming harassment and persecution of Dr. Floreani by AHPRA over the last several days. And we are equally concerned by the CAA’s failure to defend one of its most prominent members.

It appears Dr. Floreani has been abandoned by the association that he has served so tirelessly over the last many years. The position of the CAA seems to be that it is happy to sacrifice a few tall poppies so that the remaining poppies will be left alone. History tells us that the reverse is far more likely. Once our leaders have been picked off, we will be more vunerable than ever to unreasonable persecution.

For centuries, science has thrived in an environment of questioning and scientific enquiry. In assuming ever more power over health professionals, AHPRA has moved away from this noble tradition. Instead it is embracing the same scientific stance that Nazi Germany chose in the 1930s. AHPRA is crushing any type of enquiry or conversation, and is opting for scientific dogma. Just as Nazi Germany held that Jews were unquestionably inferior, AHPRA is demanding that health professionals not question their particular version of the truth. They claim that merely showing a documentary means that a chiropractor is a danger to the public. We would expect this attitude in Nazi Germany, but not in Australia in 2017.

AHPRA has taken Australia healthcare into a dangerous place where even orthopedic surgeons risk losing their licences if they recommend a healthy diet and exercise to their patients. What hope then for chiropractors?

The CAA needs to stand up to this over reaching organisation. It needs to stand up for its members if it is to continue to be relevant to the profession. I am asking that CAA defend Dr. Floreani in this matter. And that the CAA affirm that he is a member in good standing, and affirm that his access to Guild is restored immediately.

All of which must be leaving AHPRA quite confused.


Update October 16 2017

CAA president Andrew Lawrence published this statement, today:

Statement on the Eligibility of Dr Floreani for CAA National Board Elections 2017:

The CAA National Board sought advice in accordance with the Constitution and have determined that Dr Simon Floreani is currently ineligible to be appointed a director of CAA National. Some individuals have attempted to turn this into an emotional and/or philosophical matter; this has not been assisted by the campaign mounted by a group called ChiroAustralia .com which contains not only offensive material but misleading information. Additionally, some individuals are attempting to portray this matter as “a conspiracy and/or underhanded” which is not the case. This whole issue has been disappointing for all concerned as it has served to potentially demean not only individuals but CAA National and the profession. The facts of the matter from CAA National’s perspective are:
1. Representatives of CAA National have been in contact with Dr Floreani since this matter became public.
2. Dr Floreani has not sought assistance from CAA National either with his AHPRA matter nor the decision by his insurer.
3. The reasons for Dr Floreani’s suspension are the subject of a great deal of speculation. They are still unknown as they are exclusively between Dr Floreani and AHPRA. The CAA can only find exactly what they are when they are released to the public record.
4. There is a defined process under the national law which is available to individual registrants. National law defines this process of action and appeal and this does not allow 3rd parties like CAA to interfere.
5. Matters regarding the contract of professional indemnity insurance are between the insured and the insurer; unless this information is released by either party, the reasons are known only to them.
6. CAA National expresses confidence in the process afforded by the insurer to the insured based on information subsequently provided in accordance with the contract in place with CAA.
7. When CAA National became aware of the AHPRA public record, legal advice was sought with regards to eligibility for election in accordance with the Constitution and this has been communicated to members.
8. From a CAA National perspective, the Director election issue has moved from a legal one to an emotional one and is potentially damaging to all concerned.
9. The email campaign by ChiroAustralia .com contains offensive language and phrasing and draws inappropriate and offensive comparisons which hurt the profession broadly both internally and externally.

CAA National encourages the membership to reflect and consider the facts above regarding this matter and afford all concerned the rights and opportunity to progress in accordance with natural justice principles, national law(s), the CAA National constitution and appropriate conduct.

Dr Andrew Lawrence
President, CAA National


About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
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