When even the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia throws you shade…

This is Australian anti-vaccination chiropractor Simon Floreani posing with his wife, anti-vaccination chiropractor Jennifer Barham-Floreani, posing with anti-vaccination god-figure Andrew Wakefield. The Floreani’s are/were professional members of the disgraced anti-vaccination pressure group, the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (the AVN literally has a public health warning against its name). Floreani was also the president of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia, until 2011. He was awarded with an Outstanding Service Award by the CAA Victoria, in 2013:

Floreani is now mostly known in Australia for his unrepentant anti-vaccination activism which has included previous sanction by the Chiropractic Board of Australia.

Floreani is also known for hosting a secret showing of the Andrew Wakefield anti-vaccination movie, Vaxxed, in his chiropractic business, Vitality Chiropractic, in Melbourne. This was followed by a Q&A session in which AVN committee members and other people pretended to be experts. Pictured below (L-R) in Floreani’s business is AVN president Tasha David, immediate past public officer Brett Smith, and Victorian antivax activist Wendy Lydall (seen here laughing about children dying from chicken pox):

Floreani is also known for sneaking into a hospital to treat a spinal patient whilst pretending to be that patient’s snowboarding coach. Several times.

Floreani is also known for referring one of his customers to a fake IVF specialist who subsequently sexually assaulted that customer.

Floreani is most recently known for having his AHPRA registration suspended:

Registration status: Suspended

On October 1 2017, Jane Hansen wrote in the Sunday Telegraph, page 51:

HIGH profile chiropractor and anti-vaccine proponent Simon Floreani has had his licence suspended by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

AHPRA said they could not comment publicly on the suspension.

Just yesterday, Floreani posted this on his Facebook profile, letting his friends know about his tremendous humility and his connection to source. They are healers. They are possibly even Jesus:

I’m usually a fiercely independent leader connected to source as my main power to lean on.

It’s now that I need YOUR help. If you could rest back, open your shoulders and heart and help find a deep level of love to send to our government regulators and leaders of the profession in Oz. Help me create a sonic boom of love today.

Help me channel the tension and hate in our heads and jaw into heart felt warmth and forgiveness. I need YOUR help to create an impenetrable force of love.

Healers come from a unique position of humility. We are servants who wash the feet of those who come under our care.


Please join me in building yours and mine appetite for tolerance and humility so we can actually heal the children and families out there without impedance, politics and perversion.

If you know anything about me, my wife, my family and our businesses we exist to help change the health of the world for the better.

We know about the AHPRA suspension, but, to whom does he refer with this sentence: “government regulators and leaders of the profession in Oz”?

Well, Floreani had nominated himself, again, to run for the presidency and national board of the CAA. He really did. And this email was sent out to CAA members a few days ago, by CAA CEO Matthew Fisher:

Dr Simon Floreani is a nominee for the positions of president-elect, Victorian regional director and director in the upcoming CAA National (Association) election. Ballot papers for the election have already been mailed to members as part of our AGM mailout, and Dr Floreani’s name appears on the ballot papers. Yesterday, the Association was made aware that Dr Floreani’s registration to practice has been suspended by AHPRA. We have confirmed this information with a search of the AHPRA database.

The Association has made several attempts to contact Dr Floreani for his comment. We are informed that Dr Floreani is on leave and travelling outside of Australia. Regrettably we have not received any response. (Members should be aware that all candidates were asked to confirm their eligibility for election prior to the mail out of ballot papers.)

In these circumstances the Association believes that it is prudent to notify members of Dr Floreani’s circumstance and the possible consequences to his eligibility to hold a Board seat arising from clause 8.6 (a) of the Constitution which states:

8.6(a)  Subject to Rule 8.6(b) any member of the National Association other than Honorary who resides in Australia and who has maintained continuous membership in good standing of the National Association for at least three consecutive years, not including membership as a Student Member or Foreign Associate Member, immediately prior to the date of their nomination is eligible for election to the Board of Directors.

Based upon external advice and review of the circumstances, on the balance of probabilities it is the Association’s view that Dr Floreani is most likely ineligible for election to the Board of Directors. We will contact you as soon as possible if there is a material change in the Association’s view on this matter.

The Association suggests that members should consider these circumstances when they cast their vote.

Why can’t the CAA just acknowledge his brilliance, and his humility?


About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
This entry was posted in anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, Brett Smith, chiropractic, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to When even the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia throws you shade…

  1. Pingback: The unparalleled regulatory precedents of the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network | reasonable hank

  2. Pingback: Suspended chiropractor’s supporters liken themselves to Jews and AHPRA to Nazi Germany | reasonable hank

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