Professional anti-vaccination activist Meryl Dorey now seeking $5000/month income from antivaxers

Meryl Dorey – the founder, former president, and current committee member of the anti-vaccination pressure group the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network – who has a public health warning against hers and the AVN’s names, is now using the Patreon platform to seek a $5000/month income to lie to health care professionals and the broader community about the risks and benefits of immunisation. Dorey states her goals on the Patreon website:

When I reach $2,000 per month from patrons, I will start bi-weekly free webinars to keep everyone up-to-date on the most recent news and information from around the world regarding vaccination and health rights.

When I reach $5,000 per month from patrons, I will launch my first in-depth class free to the public. This class will aim to help parents and health professionals to make informed choices regarding vaccination by providing them with a broad ranged of historical and up-to-date references and outlining some of the questions they need to be asking before saying yes (or no) to vaccines.

These are Dorey’s qualifications to be providing health advice, from 2009:

Dorey and the AVN – fresh from their recent scamming of $160,000 of their followers’ donations which were intended for a High Court legal challenge against the federal government’s No Jab No Pay legislation, with its glaring lack of accountability and wealth of subterfuge – and fresh from their continued abuse, vilification and defamation of bereaved parents: cruel and callous behaviour long normalised by Dorey – have taken the obvious next step for a public health menace addicted to other people’s money and the overseas trips taken on the same: they want a regular income to bolster their vocation; a vocation built upon a history of lying and abuse, and a consistent failure to substantiate their origin stories of being the parents to “vaccine injured” children. It is an industry built on reckons sans clinical diagnoses.

Dorey lists her Patreon prices in which she asks for more money so as to fulfill her dreams:

Your help makes it all possible!

$1 or more per month

You are part of something really big and I thank you so much! After pledging, you’ll receive a link to join my private Facebook group where we can discuss many of the issues near and dear to all of our hearts regarding health freedom and vaccination choice. You will also be the first to know about any up-coming events, webinars etc that I’ve got up my sleeve. (This all goes for any pledge from $1 up.)

Do you share my dream?

$5 or more per month

More than 15,000 people visit the blog every month and nearly that many like our Facebook page. If each one of you provided just $5 a month in sponsorship, you could help make my dream of widespread vaccination education become a reality and – nearly as important – make nocompulsoryvaccination the anti-choice government’s and pharma’s biggest nightmare! Is that worth five bucks? I think we all know the answer to that question.

We’re really making a difference now!

$10 or more per month

To the world changers, the Earth movers; to those who see what’s wrong and want to make it right – I salute you! Your sponsorship will make all the difference. I leave you with one of the most powerful and truth-filled quotes I know:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

You are a true hero! (or a heroine-we don’t discriminate here 🙂

$25 or more per month

Heroes stand up for what they believe in. They are not afraid of having unpopular opinions or of defending those who are weaker than themselves. You are a hero because you literally put your money where your beliefs are and you are amazing!

Do people like you even exist?

$100 or more per month

When you combine an idea with the wherewithal to make it a reality – you have real magic! That’s what you create by sponsoring at this level! This is real commitment. This is a genuine dedication to ideas and beliefs that will not just help you and your family but society as a whole. I salute you!

No matter how hard I squint I am finding it difficult to see how anyone wins here, except Dorey. It is quite a brazen pitch.

Here is Meryl Dorey recently cheering for Polly Tommey (now banned from Australia), alongside Suzanne Humphries (also reportedly now banned from Australia), as Tommey declares, “the best safe vaccine is no vaccine!”:

And here is Meryl Dorey gleeful as Brian Hooker declares that parents should provide, “no vaccines for children”:

When Meryl Dorey claims she is not anti-vaccine, she is lying. And she wants to be paid for it. Nothing has changed.


About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
This entry was posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, Health Care Complaints Commission, Immunisation, meryl dorey, mobbing, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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