Tag Archives: Todd Gignac

Chiropractors' Association and Spinal Research Foundation promoted anti-vaccine movie

There is something I have been putting off for quite some time. Then a friend made this something possible by providing me with a link so I could watch the 100 minute chiropractic advertisement, Doctored the Movie. This so-called friend … Continue reading

Posted in anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, chiropractic, Gardasil, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Anti-vaccine chiropractors 2

Before I include today’s example, I want to point out this new post on Diluted Thinking:  Chiropractic Board of Australia Cracks Down. The post includes a handy list of anti-vaccine chiropractors. Very handy for future use. Amy Corderoy also wrote … Continue reading

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Anti-vaccine chiropractors: is that compulsion obsessive?

Over a month ago I wrote a post investigating the prevalence of anti-vaccinationism amongst some of the leading lights of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia: The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia: the compulsion of anti-vaccinationism. In the post I highlighted an Adelaide … Continue reading

Posted in anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, skeptic | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia: the compulsion of anti-vaccinationism

Over the last couple of months attention has been brought upon chiropractors and their tendency towards anti-vaccination misinformation. In March, Amy Corderoy wrote this piece in the Sydney Morning Herald, showing that chiropractors were receiving this (on CAA letterhead) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training from … Continue reading

Posted in anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, Immunisation, meryl dorey, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 19 Comments