Anti-vaccine chiropractors 48

The Chiropractic Board of Australia has had enough:

The Chiropractic Board of Australia cracks down to protect the public.

The Chiropractic Board of Australia is cracking down on chiropractors who step outside their primary role as healthcare practitioners and provide treatment that puts the public at risk.

To protect public safety, the Board has:

– ordered practitioners to remove all anti-vaccination material from their websites and clinics
– removed several courses from the list of approved CPD programs, and
– introduced random audits of practitioner compliance with the Board’s registration standards. [Media Release August 8 2013]

The folks at The Project will not be very happy about the star of today’s episode. They do not like anti-vaccinationists. Hopefully this will lead to a greater scrutiny of talent on The Project, which will ultimately lead to a whittling down of media in which anti-vaccination chiropractors, CAA chiropractors, and those who claim to treat mythical subluxations will be able to appear. With a concerted awareness campaign, and appropriate complaints to appropriate regulatory bodies, they will go the way of the AVN, whose name is now mud. We need to get this done.

Only a fortnight ago, businessman Ian Rossborough appeared on The Project, describing how he manipulates babies and their parents:

Parents are often encouraged by the idea of treating their child without medication.

“The whole premise of chiropractic is that the body has an in-built ability to heal itself,” says chiropractor Dr. Ian Rossborough (chiro).

And he feels most babies have issues that need correcting.

“By the time the baby’s born, it’s been through a bit. You know, it’s gone through that traumatic process of delivery.”

See the lovely comment about Professor John Dwyer? And chiropractors demand respect, why?

See the lovely comment about Professor John Dwyer? And chiropractors demand respect, why?

As you can see, Rossborough conducts his business of manipulation at Chiropractic Excellence, in Victoria. I emailed to ask Rossborough if he was a member of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia – if he isn’t, they are waiting by the phones to sign him up – but, I didn’t get any reply. Remember, this person is in close proximity with brand new babies. A lot. Given he is featuring in this series, and given what you are about to see, what are the chances his immunisation status is current?

So, what does Rossborough consider to be appropriate immunisation information?

The execrable Melanie’s Marvelous Measles, by anti-vaccination activist Stephanie Messenger:

Rossborough 34 Dec 2011 Melanies Marvelous Measles promo

Oh man. The People’s Chemist? Really:

And off we go...

And off we go…

This video from the Journal of YouTube is a mock comedy skit, I think, which lies about the ingredients of the flu vaccine. If one was an anti-vaccinationist, like Rossborough, I could see how one would find it funny. Wait, no I couldn’t:

Which commonly used Australian vaccine contains mercury, again?

Which commonly used Australian vaccine contains mercury, again?

In this one Rossborough shares an anti-vaccine meme from the anti-vaccine movement’s premier Facebook page, VINE, run by the World’s Worst Person™. This is like peak derp, and Rossborough got there. Remember, he works on babies, folks:

When it's VINE, you just know it's bullshit.

When it’s VINE, you just know it’s bullshit.

Oh for the love of god he went the whole Boyd Haley. This is just embarrassing now:

If Rossborough starts claiming to treat autistic boys, run for the hills. With friends like Boyd Haley...

If Rossborough starts claiming to treat autistic boys, run for the hills. With friends like Boyd Haley…

This one is from Wellness Uncovered. That Facebook page is run by Gregory “Chemtrails” Damato. Apparently providing immunisations to developing countries is a bad thing. What sort of horrible person even thinks that?

Sorry, this is just an asshole move.

Sorry, this is just an asshole move.

Rossborough shares this horrid little meme from the anti-vaccine Facebook page The Truth about Vaccines. I’m surprised they just don’t claim that vaccination is rape, like Meryl Dorey, and like another Australian anti-vaccine chiropractor, Paul Lawrence (more on him and his friends another day). What I do find interesting is that a neonate manipulating chiropractor raises the issue of baby consent. Something just exploded in the distance:

Where are the goddamn heavy metal adjuvants? Where are they?

Where are the goddamn heavy metal adjuvants? Where are they?

Another one from The Truth about Vaccines. The scary ingredient list, an anti-vaccine staple:

Mandatory post for an anti-vaccinationist.

Mandatory post for an anti-vaccinationist.

Of course doctors just inject babies with horrible things all the time, and they have no idea what they are doing:

Memes are always up there with JAMA, The Lancet, and the BMJ.

Memes are always up there with JAMA, The Lancet, and the BMJ.

Another scary ingredients list, this time with skull and crossbones goodness. Rossborough is racking them up:

From the Journal of Proud Parents of Unvaccinated Children, the Facebook group which ran and hid when confronted on their lies.

From the Journal of Proud Parents of Unvaccinated Children, the Facebook group which ran and hid when confronted on their lies.

Rossborough shares a Mercola lie that flu vaccines are worthless. But, you know what isn’t? Maintaining a healthy nervous system. And how do you do that? By having a chiropractor fix your subluxations, of course. Kerching:

The only motive is your health.

The only motive is your health.


He did it! Rossborough shared the Nancy Banks video.

He did it! Rossborough shared the Nancy Banks video.

Rossborough shares this lie from Mercola. Permanent disability from HPV vaccination? It’s just not true:

Protip to chiros: stop linking to Mercola and Mike Adams. It will always end poorly.

Protip to chiros: stop linking to Mercola and Mike Adams. It will always end poorly.

Suzanne Humphries’ views on vaccines? Don’t take them, they are dangerous:

Another quality post from the Journal of YouTube.

Another quality post from the Journal of YouTube.

But, it’s not just vaccines with which Rossborough has a problem, Fluoride is scary:

Fluoride the neurotoxin, from the Journal of Thinking Moms Revolution.

Fluoride the neurotoxin, from the Journal of Thinking Moms Revolution.

And fluoride is a “poison”:

This one is from that anti-vaccine nutritionist, Cyndi O'Meara. The same names just keep on popping up.

This one is from that anti-vaccine nutritionist, Cyndi O’Meara. The same names just keep on popping up.

And, as is the way of the anti-vaccine chiropractor, here are the obligatory testimonials:

Code of conduct?

Code of conduct?


What code of conduct?

What code of conduct?

This is what the Chiropractic Board of Australia has to say about the use of testimonials:

Guidelines for advertising of regulated health services

5 What is unacceptable advertising?

This section is intended to provide a clear indication of the
type of advertising of services that the boards consider to
be unacceptable. Where examples are provided, they are
intended to assist practitioners and other persons who
advertise regulated health services to comply with the
advertising provisions of the National Law. They are not
intended to be exhaustive.

To comply with s. 133 of the National Law and these
guidelines, advertising of services must not:

(d) use testimonials or purported testimonials

How is this person still registered, CBA? And how on Earth does he get on television, representing his trade? Let’s hope we’ve seen the last of that.

About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
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4 Responses to Anti-vaccine chiropractors 48

  1. Pingback: Baby-cracking chiropractor Ian Rossborough has conditions imposed on registration | reasonable hank

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