Sydney anti-vaccination activist “soooo excited” if her daughter has measles

Vaccine Free Australia is one of the most rabid of the Australian antivax Facebook groups. It has featured in this blog repeatedly for its orchestrated attacks on bereaved parents, attacks on parents of babies who have contracted whooping cough, plans for chicken pox parties, and its plans to defraud the Commonwealth, among numerous other unethical acts.

Last night, August 5 2017, a vocal Sydney anti-vaccination activist, Joanna Castro-Micos – a person who has previously joined in with her other callous colleagues in attacking the Light for Riley memorial Facebook page – posted an image of her 8-year-old daughter:

Anyone know what this could be? Yesterday my 8yo had an itchy rash on her torso, so I thought it was just the post viral rash (she’s been unwell this week). But today it’s in a slightly different area and painful, not itchy. She was ok for a while after her shower but started crying when she went to bed because it hurts when it gets hot. With all the talk about meningococcal lately I’m worried, even though I don’t think it looks like it….any ideas please?

VFA group members swiftly chimed in with their reckons.

Lucia Guzzardi has previously featured in the media. In 2015, when her baby had contracted whooping cough, Guzzardi lied to emergency doctors about following up with a GP on her baby’s discharge from hospital:

Learning that her daughter’s rash may be measles, Castro-Micos could not contain her excitement:

Joanne Mulcahy It looks a bit measles to me, – if she has had any of the following… Fever. general discomfort, illness or lack of wellbeing (malaise) runny nose. dry cough. sore and red eyes (conjunctivitis) red and bluish spots inside the mouth (Koplik’s spots). Keep her away from people for now and get a diagnosis from Dr. Make sure it’s on her records that she has had measles. She is over the worst of it. Sooth with calamine lotion will soothe. Lots of cool drinks water esp. Vitamin C 500mg 2x per day.

Joanna Castro-Micos Really??!!! Yes she’s had almost all those symptoms! I thought the spots would be bigger – i only had chicken pox as a kid so not sure what they’re supposed to look like. My kids haven’t had any of the childhood illnesses, soooo excited if it is!! 😃 

Yet more members weighed in with their considered differential diagnoses:

Anti-vaccination activists are a danger to their own children. They are a danger to everyone’s children. Reject them.

These are the admins responsible for the health misinformation which is published in the VFA group:


About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
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