We’ve met Judy Wilyman before. She likes to complain that people don’t take her seriously, and that people make fun of her, and that people are disdainful of her: she has a shit-list of these people on her website, just to show how wrong everyone else is. This is a woman who has vilified a grieving family, accusing them of carrying out immunisation advocacy for payment. She screams that she isn’t anti-vaccine. They all do.
They all do.
Well, this one takes the cake.
As I have just written to her supervisor at the University of Wollongong, Dr Brian Martin, via an impeccably timed email on another subject:
…see attached your inept PhD student’s latest email, promoting the execrable Erwin Alber and his deceitful website.
She must be doing you proud, Brian. Kudos mate. Kudos.
I couldn’t believe my eyes: Erwin Alber. She promotes Erwin Alber*:
All of the students past, present and future, of the University of Wollongong, are and will forever be screeching in their graves. How can this ever be lived down?
The University of Wollongong should be ashamed that it has steadfastly refused to take any serious action against this embarrassment.
*I didn’t even mention The Thinking Moms’ Revolution link.
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