Last night, at a little after 10 pm, the official anti-vaccine protest movement allowed the grade-five boys to take over. Well, they’ve been in charge the whole time, anyway.
Posting from Stanmore, in Sydney’s inner west, Sydney anti-vaccination spokesman Damien Poulsen published some astonishingly crude sexism in an attack on journalist Jane Hansen:
As you can see from the image it is inferred that Jane Hansen is only in her position as a respected journalist because she is sleeping with “Sugar Daddy Rupert” Murdoch. The kitchen knife stabbing the photos of the alleged lovers to the tree is an added bonus, for some reason I don’t really get.
Poulsen at the June 2015 Sydney antivax protest
sending his love to co-organiser Belgin Colak
who was in hospital giving birth.
Not only did Poulsen decide that this would be one of the best ideas with which to follow through, late on a Friday night – ever – anti-vaccine thug, the naturopath Brett Smith (AKA Lucas Jackson Kelly), thought the image was so appropriate he’d like the image in appreciation. Smith, seen in this photo, is due to give testimony to the No Jab No Pay Senate Inquiry, this coming Monday morning:
Publicly available image of Brett Smith courtesy Twitter.
Mr Brett Smith also made it past federal parliament’s security, in June:
Brett Smith (far right) with a carbuncle of anti-vaccinationists
who managed to make it into the parliament house
offices of Senator Glenn Lazarus
and many others.
We’ve come to expect this sort of sexist attack from the Sydney anti-vaccine leaders: Ian Hastings (AKA Ian Smith) is another of the Sydney anti-vaccine protest organisers who has been vilifying female journalists and politicians for some time. This is the first time we have revealed Hastings’ real identity. He has been hiding behind anonymity for years, as the No Fluoride Australia Guy.
The courageous Ian Hastings (Ian Smith) and his partner, Belle Angel
Lovelight, who runs Conscious Hands Massage in Lilyfield,
and stands by all of Hastings’ misogynistic attacks
on journalists and politicians with
whom he disagrees.
Through his No Fluoride Australia, No Vaccines Australia, Refutations to Provax Memes, Things Pro-Vaxers Say, End the Illusion of Choice, and Worried Mama Facebook pages – among many others, such as Anonymous SA – South Australia – Adelaide, and his event, Million Mask March Adelaide – Hastings has been attacking female journalists like Tory Shepherd and Mia Freedman, for years. Here is just one example, attacking Mia Freedman:
In fact, Hastings’ work has made it into the media before; he is the coward behind the formerly anonymous, infamous, bullet-riddled wanted posters, also inciting violence against Lismore Mayor Jenny Dowell, even after she had already been physically assaulted. See, Beware the violent antis – Lismore Mayor physically assaulted for these and other examples of Hastings’ anonymous, courageous misogyny:
Oh boy, boys. The things you’ll be forgiven for in the name of the anti-vaccine faith, eh? Attack women, based on their gender? Yep. Attack Jews and have this behaviour condoned by Jews? Yep. Anything and everything is appropriate.
Anti-vaccinationists are willing to overlook any bad behaviour, as long as you’re anti-vaccine; just like they’ll applaud the boys for their latest jolly, back-slapping japes.
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