“Vaxxed” broadcasts claims that vaccines cause gay, lesbian and transgender people

One crucial thing the narcissistic, video-addicted, anti-vaccination leaders of Vaxxed have provided is evidence.

Only eighteen days ago I posted this: “Vaxxed” broadcasts violent threats against California senator and others. It contains damning video evidence of credible threats of violence, broadcast by the official Vaxxed Facebook page.

Only two months ago I posted this: How “Vaxxed” is anti-vaccine, in their own words. It contains thirty-four video snippets of damning evidence provided by Vaxxed and the disgraced Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network. The collection is still live. More will be added.

The video evidence provided by Vaxxed and the AVN helped set another Australian precedent for the precedent-setting, foot-bulleting AVN: Polly Tommey – and likely-but-not-confirmed Suzanne Humphries – has been banned from entering Australia for three years. This, of course, will certainly flow onto other ant-vaccination liars who plan on entering Australia in the future. This is assured. In fact, it has already happened, with Age of Autism blogger Kent Heckenlively concocting a stunt which resulted in his banning.

On September 18 2017, just two days ago, Polly Tommey and the Vaxxed activists showed up in Houston, Texas, to protest an immunisation conference [edit: this conference now appears to have been a sham conference run by predatory publisher, OMICS. Oh dear]. Tommey broadcast a live video from outside the event, this video being about thirty minutes long.

AVN president Tasha David was caught on camera, with this estimated to be her fourth trip to the US, this year:

This latest David trip – which we suspect has also been taken on the dime of the marks of the AVN – is especially noteworthy when contrasted with this Meryl Dorey post on the AVN Facebook page, from yesterday, begging for donations for allegedly financially-strapped antivaxers:

But, AVNers are used to paying for things which were not stated when they donated their money. One wonders when they’ll see through the AVN.

One individual interviewed by Tommey, for the bulk of the Facebook Live video, is an Alabaman anti-vaccination activist named Sherrie Saunders (AKA Elaine Sherrie Saunders).

We have met Saunders before due to a previous video broadcast by the Vaxxed activists, in which Saunders made a series of dubious claims and outright falsehoods about her time as an army medic. Saunders falsehoods were brutally taken apart by Elyce Powers, here: Vaxxed: Tall Tales From The Road, Army Edition.

Saunders recently gained further notoriety when she made overtures to the Ku Klux Klan to join her in her anti-vaccination crusade:

Saunders’ Facebook profiles are filed with other hateful content and conspiracy theories, such as Morgellons and chemtrails. There is way too much to include, but, a few posts will give you a general idea.

There is anti-Semitism. The linked post includes this offensive text:

These Demons have been secretly worshipped by Jewish Kabbalaists for centuries. For the first time, we read the lists of Jewish Royal Families of Europe and their relationship to magicians and serial killers who abduct and murder children for their blood in order to ‘please’ these demons… British author, CHRIS EVERARD, has uncovered a giant network of Demon-worshippers called the ZEVITES…

These demons are described throughout history as the ‘Anunaki’, the ‘Fallen Ones’, the ‘Watchers’ and are given royal rank in various ancient books of Black Magic. British author, CHRIS EVERARD has been investigating an international network of Secret Societies who were formed by a man who was crowned ‘King of the Jews’ in the year 1666 – and he promoted the idea of killing, child rape, incest and prostitution – he became the MESSIAH OF EVIL, and his followers venerated these demons…

Message from the Author: Every page of this new digital book is fully illustrated, there is also a Further Reading and historical SOURCES list. No matter how many books you own about ‘Conspiracy Theories’, ANUNAKI DEMONS & the EVIL MESSIAH uncovers jaw-dropping evidence that many governments, the Vatican and many governments are controlled by a tiny elite of ‘Lords’ and politicians who worship these demons.

This anti-Semitic, FEMA, microchip, antivax staple meme:

This racist post:

And this bizarre conspiracy that the Titanic didn’t sink:

But, the Tommey interview takes the cake.

I’ve made a short video compilation so you don’t have to sit through the whole thirty minutes. Again, no context is lost by editing down this video into snippets. She really says this stuff. And Tommey inflames Saunders’ homophobic comments by adding to them.

Saunders is introduced by Tommey stating, “I love you…we love you.” Saunders states that obesity is caused by vaccines. Saunders states the primacy of chiropractors over paediatricians in paediatric care, with Tommey stating that chiros have more training than doctors. Saunders states that doctors as the minions of demons and Luciferians. Saunders states that an increase gay, lesbian and transgender people is caused by vaccines. Tommey states that, “if you’ve had a vaccine, you are not who you were meant to be.” Tommey also states that children are more likely to die if they are vaccinated:

This is Vaxxed. This is the AVN. This is their reality.


About reasonable hank

I'm reasonable, mostly.
This entry was posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Travel vaccines and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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  1. Pingback: Anti-vaccination activists linked to Manly-Warringah Rugby League Club | reasonable hank

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