Anti-vaccination doxxing and defamation, the HCCC, and Holdsworth House Medical Practice

This post will be a little self-indulgent, in that it has been coming for a long time – fifteen months in the making – and that the circumstances surrounding the doxxing, defamation and vilification of a complete stranger, by anti-vaccination activists, continues to this day.

Directly related to the above is another subject which pertains to the alleged illegal sharing of my personal mobile phone number to anti-vaccination activists, I argue, originating out of Holdsworth House Medical Practice (HHMP), in Sydney. Whether or not HHMP knows that they are the source of the alleged illegal sharing of my phone number is up for debate. Below, I will include HHMP’s response to an investigation by the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC), regarding a complaint that was lodged about the alleged illegal sharing of my personal information by this healthcare provider. HHMP has not and has never assisted me with any requests I have made of them in this matter.

I will also include responses from the investigating police station at the time, which would appear to be in conflict with the claims made by HHMP to the HCCC. I argue that this is enough to have the HCCC take another look at the claims made by HHMP and, in particular, its staff.


My name is Peter Tierney. I live on the New South Wales South Coast. I am not a healthcare practitioner. I am single. I am a full-time, single parent to my two kids. You can hear my voice in this ABC North Coast interview about this exact topic. This exact topic exemplifies best why I keep my identity – apart from my name – and those of my children, a secret. Check out my testimonials page for further examples as to why this secrecy is a good idea.

My name is not Peter Tiernan. Peter Tiernan lives on the NSW North Coast. He is a healthcare practitioner (a physiotherapist). He is married. As far as I know he has one daughter. You can hear his voice in this ABC North Coast interview about this exact topic, given the day before my interview.

In the course of investigations into this whole debacle, NSW Police verified both of our identities as separate individuals living in different regions of NSW. We both did this in person, at our local police stations, using our real faces and our real driver’s licences with our real names on them.

Anti-vaccination activists, led by Belgin Colak-Arslan and the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network’s Brett Smith, both of Sydney, wrongly identified Mr Tiernan as me, because: our names are similar; he grew up with the McCaffery family, whom I have known only since 2009; he went to school with journalist Jane Hansen, whom I have only known, but, never met in person, since about 2010; and he is a healthcare practitioner.

Basically, antivaxers put two and two together and got potato. Then they mashed the potato and doxxed Peter Tiernan and his extended family, and continue to defame and vilify Peter Tiernan to this day. They contacted his daughter and his wife on Facebook, for God’s sake. They contacted him at work and threatened him. He had to shut down his social media presence and change his phone number. His work had to start screening his calls due to the threats and abuse. Belgin Arslan even published his address on a public Facebook thread, eliciting a threat from deranged anti-vaccination activist Frank Vazquez:

For greater detail on the doxxing, please read these two articles on the whole doxxing debacle, by Diluted Thinking:

The Doxxing of Peter Tiernan – an Overview

The Doxxing of Peter Tiernan – the Doxxers

So, what tipped these antivax conspiracy theorists over the edge into illegality, apart from their usual Dunning-Kruger certainty?

On October 18 2016, in the course of collecting evidence for my blog series on anti-vaccine nurses and midwives, I came across a Sydney nurse – whom I had noticed some months previously – who bragged in the Anti-Vaccination Australia Facebook group that her workplace knew about and condoned her anti-vaccination activism:

I’m a nurse and will continue to say what I believe about vaccines. They can shove their guidelines up there ass

my boss and colleagues all know my views on this issue and are fine with it. I have worked here for a long time and my views and beliefs are no secret to anyone in my workplace so I think I’m safe 

This nurse was Loretta Blaikie (AKA Loretta Salakas, AKA Loretta Baxter). Blaikie included the name of her employer on her public Facebook profile. Blaikie’s employer is/was Holdsworth House Medical Practice. Exercising due diligence, I called HHMP to verify that she did in fact work there. This was confirmed by the receptionist. I advised the receptionist that I would require Blaikie’s AHPRA registration number – to facilitate a complaint about her anti-vaccination activism that cited her employer’s imprimatur – as Blaikie was not using her AHPRA-searchable, registered names in her antivax activism. The receptionist told me I would need to talk to the nursing unit manager, that the nursing unit manager was unavailable, and that I could leave my name and number for the nursing unit manager. I agreed to leaving my name and number for the stated and specific use of the nursing unit manager only, and for no-one else. I stated that the call was confidential. I received no reply from the nursing unit manager, and so left another message the next morning, October 19 2016, re-stipulating all of the above. Again, I received no reply from the nursing unit manager.

On October 20 2016, at 0819 hours, I published my article on Blaikie: Anti-vaccine nurses and midwives 26.

Blaikie has since had restrictions placed on her registration:

The registrant must not work as an enrolled nurse until reviewed by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of New South Wales and this condition is removed.

A letter sent to complainants, on August 21 2017, by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of NSW, states the following:

Complaint about Ms Loretta Lee Blaikie

Thank you for your letter dated 21 October 2016 about Ms Loretta Lee Blaikie.

The Council considered your complaint and additional information, and decided to take urgent interim action under section 150 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.

Interim conditions have been imposed on Ms Loretta Lee Blaikie’s registration to protect the public. Information about these conditions are available on AHPRA’s website These conditions are temporary and will remain in place until removed, amended by the Council or the complaint is finalised.

On October 20 2016, at 1742 hours, I received a phone call from a senior-constable at a South-Western Sydney police station, who was acting on an in-person complaint of harassment lodged by Loretta Blaikie. I was skeptical that the senior-constable was indeed a police officer due to his thuggish demeanour, his reluctance to provide the phone number for the police station, his vague threats to arrest me, and his devolving argumentation and intimidation which ended in him calling me a “grub.” After some days, verifying with my local police that the call had indeed come from a serving police officer, I lodged a complaint about the officer which resulted in his chief-inspector apologising to me for his behaviour – on November 25 2016 – even though the senior-constable refused to apologise. I agreed to settle my complaint via an informal process. At no stage did I seek disciplinary action. I only ever requested an apology.

While this NSW Police complaint process was ongoing, a friend had lodged a complaint about HHMP to the NSW HCCC – expanded below – regarding the alleged illegal release of my phone number to anti-vaccination activists. A brief account of the fallout of this alleged illegal release of my number – apart from having to change my mobile phone number for valid safety reasons – is as follows.

On October 20 2016, at 1833 hours, I received a phone call from anti-vaccination activist Belgin Arslan, on mobile phone number 04******69, who conveyed to me that she had just obtained my private, unlisted phone number from a ‘private messaging thread where my phone number was being shared amongst dozens of anti-vaccination activists’. Arslan refused to state the name of the individual who had started this Facebook messaging thread. On October 22 2016 at 1415 hours, Arslan called me again, this time denying that she obtained my mobile phone number from a private antivax messaging thread. She instead claimed she was given the number by Herald Sun Health Editor Grant MacArthur. Arslan then claimed it was given to her by a female Herald Sun receptionist who gave Arslan my number, after checking through messages which had been left (I had not left any messages with the Herald Sun). Grant MacArthur expressly denied these claims as false and impossible, in an email to me. Colak then begged for her name to be left out of any reports to police on this matter. Colak called and texted me several times throughout the day. She continued attempting to call and text me until the end of October 2016. In an act which speaks volumes to Arslan’s deceit and attempt to cover her tracks, and the tracks of others, she texted me to claim that she and Loretta Blaikie had only become Facebook friends on October 23 2016. I know this is a lie. They had already been Facebook friends for several months when I posted my blog post on Blaikie:

October 20 2016, at 2037 hours, I received a phone call from anti-vaccination activist Brett Smith misrepresenting himself as “Dr Andrew Gowrie” of Holdsworth House, on 04******14. He stated that he was the “on-call doctor”. He stated that he was prompted to call me by, and “on behalf of [his] boss” Dr Dick Quan, Managing Director of HHMP. He stated that he was tasked by Dr Quan to investigate any breaches of privacy at Holdsworth House Medical Practice. On October 21 2016, Smith also sent a text, impersonating Dr Andrew Gowers (a real doctor at HHMP):

October 22 2016 at 1142 hours

I received another phone call from Dr “Andrew Gowrie”. I recognised Brett Smith’s voice on this occasion and searched for a previous message where his number was shared with me. It is the same phone number as this June 16 2016 Facebook message, from Brett Smith:

And it’s also the same number Smith publicly posted to a friend, in 2016, with Smith going on to threaten to assault my friend, over the phone:

When I publicly tweeted that I was now aware of Smith’s impersonation of Dr Andrew Gowers, Smith texted me again:

Smith texted again on October 31 2016, attempting to intimidate me with blog posts:

The threats, intimidation, defamation, and doxxing of Peter Tiernan and me then kicked off, in earnest. This Dropbox collection contains over a dozen PDFs of evidence of this attack on Peter Tiernan and me. Smith published three blog posts based on his and Arslan’s poor investigative skills, all defaming Peter Tiernan, a completely innocent man. These blog posts remain published and Smith retweets them on a regular basis. Given that Smith is aware – even via his own solicitor – that NSW Police have verified that Peter Tiernan is not me, I would argue that Smith’s continued defamation and vilification of Peter Tiernan falls into the category of criminal defamation:

Smith then started implying – with the assistance of Meryl Dorey of the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network – that we are involved in paedophilia:

Smith has continued his criminal defamation of Peter Tiernan to this day:

Arslan and Smith have also repeatedly boasted of being in the possession of illegally recorded  telephone conversations between themselves, me, and Peter Tiernan. In NSW, this is a breach of the NSW Surveillance Devices Act. Both are aware that they did not have permission to record the phone calls, nor share the illegal recordings, nor publish the illegal recordings. To date they have not publicly published these recordings.


November 7 2016

November 12 2016


SURVEILLANCE DEVICES ACT 2007 – SECT 12 Possession of record of private conversation or activity

SURVEILLANCE DEVICES ACT 2007 – SECT 12 Possession of record of private conversation or activity

Finally, we come to Holdsworth House Medical Practice’s response to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, in relation to a complaint that HHMP had allegedly, illegally shared my private contact details with anti-vaccination activists. The HCCC findings to the complaint are located here. I will add the full text in an appendix, below.

For now, the pertinent section of the HCCC findings, from December 12 2016, is as follows. I will respond to HHMP’s claims below:

In relation to the allegation the Practice disclosed confidential contact information of Mr Tierney, the Practice advises the receptionist who took his call noted he was not a patient and escalated the inquiry to the Nurse Unit Manager as per his request.

The Practice was advised by Ms Baxter that she had been subject to harassment via a Facebook group and had reported the matter to Police. In turn, Police requested the telephone number of Mr Tierney for the purpose of their report.

The Practice provides statements from staff confirming they did not provide Mr Tierney’s phone number to any party other than the NSW Police at their request following allegations of harassment.

The Practice outline the confidentiality agreements that are signed by all staff members including the receptionist, Nurse Unit Manager and Ms Baxter. It is reiterated that all staff comply with privacy obligations and do not disseminated personal information of patients or otherwise unless consent is provided or they are required by way of subpoena or warrant.

HHMP claimed that an employee gave my phone number to police, on their request:

Police requested the telephone number of Mr Tierney for the purpose of their report.

NSW Police confirmed to me – on November 25 2016 – that the senior-constable to whom Blaikie complained, in person, on October 20 2016, retrieved my phone number from the COPS Database, not from the complainant. The complainant provided my name to the senior-constable. This confirms to me that Blaikie was given my name – and most likely my phone number, by HHMP’s own admission – against my express wishes that this matter was to be treated in confidence, as agreed to by the receptionist.

HHMP again claimed that NSW Police requested my phone number:

The Practice provides statements from staff confirming they did not provide Mr Tierney’s phone number to any party other than the NSW Police at their request following allegations of harassment.

On February 24 2017, NSW Police confirmed to me that the investigating senior-constable “had no recollection” of ever contacting HHMP, and reiterated that he retrieved my number from the COPS Database. So, HHMP provided my number to someone, but, it wasn’t NSW Police.

Again, HHMP stated that NSW Police requested my phone number:

The Practice provides statements from staff confirming they did not provide Mr Tierney’s phone number to any party other than the NSW Police at their request following allegations of harassment.

This is already known to be untrue, per the above. This now demands further explanation from HHMP staff as to whether or not they have lied to the HCCC in their statements, or whether or not they have provided my phone number to anti-vaccination activists impersonating police officers over the phone: this is not a far stretch of the imagination given what antivaxers had already done in impersonating a doctor, and lying about obtaining my phone number from messages left with ‘a female Herald Sun receptionist.’

HHMP admits to staff breaching its own privacy policies and procedures by providing my private details to a third party – who were not the NSW Police – without a “subpoena or warrant”:

The Practice outline the confidentiality agreements that are signed by all staff members including the receptionist, Nurse Unit Manager and Ms Baxter. It is reiterated that all staff comply with privacy obligations and do not disseminated personal information of patients or otherwise unless consent is provided or they are required by way of subpoena or warrant.

Thanks for reading this far.

Hopefully charges will still be laid against Arslan and Smith. There is certainly enough evidence, provided by them.



HCCC December 12 2016 Holdsworth House Medical Practice findings text

Dear Mr Mcleod,

I am writing to advise you of the Commission’s assessment decision concerning your complaint about Ms Loretta Baxter and also the Holdsworth House Medical Practice Darlinghurst (the Practice).

In order to assess your complaint, the Commission notified the executive of the Practice and requested a response to the issues and allegations you raised. The Practice does not consent to the release of that response to yourself of any third party. As such, I am not lawfully able to supply with you a copy.

The Commission specifically requested the Practice respond to allegations they are anti-vaccination or that they condone promotion of ant-vaccination views within their organisation. Additionally, the Commission sought clarification of the Practice’s policy with regard to anti-vaccination sentiments and activism of their staff, namely Ms Loretta Baxter. Finally, the Commission requested the Practice respond to the allegation their staff released confidential information, that being the personal details of Mr Tierney.

In addition to the response, the Commission considered the volume of Facebook screen captures supplied in your complaint and also received supplementary to your complaint.

In their response, the Practice outlined their involvement in the employment of Ms Baxter, indicating she is employed by Australian Clinical Labs (ACL) who provide pathology and nursing services to the Practice’s central Sydney site. The response states Ms Baxter is an Endorsed Enrolled Nurse who has provided services to the Practice on an intermittent basis for the past 6 years.

The Practice states they strongly promote adherence to vaccination programs across each of their outlets and prior to this occasion, the views of Ms Baxter have never been brought to their attention.

The Commission is advised that over the course of her engagement with the Practice, Ms Baxter has administered hundreds of vaccinations in line with recommended guidance and has demonstrated herself to be an exemplary EEN without any suggestion or feedback she has encouraged patients from being vaccinated.

The Practice states they have reported the views of Ms Baxter to her employer and it is their understanding that she has received formal warning. The Practice advise that whilst the comments of Ms Baxter were made in a Private forum, they have made it expressly clear the conduct of publically expressing such views on vaccination do not accord with the Practice and is unacceptable. They also state publication or further incidents of anti-vaccination sentiments will result in further action which may include termination of her services.

The Commission are advised that Ms Baxter has provided reasoning for her decision not to vaccinate one of her children on medical grounds however she herself is vaccinated as per requirement of her profession.

In relation to the allegation the Practice disclosed confidential contact information of Mr Tierney, the Practice advises the receptionist who took his call noted he was not a patient and escalated the inquiry to the Nurse Unit Manager as per his request.

The Practice was advised by Ms Baxter that she had been subject to harassment via a Facebook group and had reported the matter to Police. In turn, Police requested the telephone number of Mr Tierney for the purpose of their report.

The Practice provides statements from staff confirming they did not provide Mr Tierney’s phone number to any party other than the NSW Police at their request following allegations of harassment.

The Practice outline the confidentiality agreements that are signed by all staff members including the receptionist, Nurse Unit Manager and Ms Baxter. It is reiterated that all staff comply with privacy obligations and do not disseminated personal information of patients or otherwise unless consent is provided or they are required by way of subpoena or warrant.

In conclusion, the Practice undertake their adherence to vaccination programs and offer a spread sheet of demonstrating vaccinations administered. They advise they have issued a formal statement on their Facebook page reassuring consumers of their views on vaccinations and their compliance with privacy laws.

On the 28 November 2016, the Commission Assessment Committee considered all available material and concluded there are insufficient grounds to progress your complaint regarding Holdsworth House Medical Practice.

The Commission determined there is insufficient evidence to indicate the Practice does not adhere to best practice with regard to administration of vaccinations. The Commission concludes that aside from Ms Baxter, there is insufficient evidence to indicate a culture of anti-vaccination activism or sympathies that might pose an ongoing risk to public health or safety or would require further action by the Commission against the facility itself.

The Commission considered the reasoning by the Practice to supply the phone number of Mr Tierney to NSW Police was based on a considered and contained decision and does not draw criticism. You are encouraged to escalate this to the Privacy or Information Commissioner of NSW if you do not agree with this decision as they are the appropriate body to consider complaints about privacy and information.

Whilst the matter did not reach a threshold for further investigation, the Commission makes formal comment to the facility reminding them of their requirement to enforce recognised best science. The Commissioner formally notes the undertakings provided by the executive of the Practice with regard to their vigilance about the views of their staff regarding anti-vaccination and the comments of their staff on social media.

I acknowledge you may have outstanding concerns about the Practice or that you may not agree with the decision of the Commission. However I wish to assure you that the Commission Assessment Committee took this matter very seriously, given the recognised best science regarding vaccination protocols and adherence to practice directives of medical and nursing governance.

Your complaint regarding Ms Loretta Baxter (Blaikie – E. E. N) remains under assessment and is at the stage of co-regulatory consultation with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of New South Wales. The final decision of that assessment may not be available until to the New Year given the Christmas closure period of both the Commission and the Council. This decision will be communicated to you in the first instance and patience is appreciated.

Under our legislation, you are entitled to request a review of the assessment decision. Should you consider that the assessment decision was not thorough and robust, OR if you have any new material for the Commission to consider, you may request a review in writing within 28 days of receiving this letter.

If you have any questions about this decision, please contact…


Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, Belgin Colak Arslan, Brett Smith, Conspiracy theory, Health Care Complaints Commission, Holdsworth House Medical Practice, meryl dorey, mobbing, public health, Public mobbing, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Antivaxer boasts of lying to procure fraudulent immunisation medical exemption and Centrelink entitlements

On January 23 2018, in hardcore anti-vaccination Facebook group Anti-Vaccination Australia – yes, the group run by Belgin Arslan, who, with Brett Smith of the discredited Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, vilified and doxxed an innocent Byron Bay physiotherapist and his family in the erroneous, still-firmly-held belief that this physiotherapist is Reasonable Hank – an anti-vaccination activist from Port Hedland Western Australia admitted to lying to her doctor in order to procure a medical exemption for at least one of her two children – and possibly both – in order to access Centrelink entitlements to which it would appear she is not entitled.

Amanda Hooton: public image courtesy Facebook.

Amanda Hooton planning to deface property with anti-vaccination 
stickers, as shown in this October 16 2016 post by admin Belgin Arslan

Responding to another member’s question, Amanda Hooton boasted on Tuesday that she had told a “white lie” to her doctor in order to deceive her doctor into providing a medical exemption for her second child:

I have a medical exemption form. But your doctor will  only give you one of these if there is a legit medical reason as to not vaccinate! I told a white lie 🤭

Asked to explain how she obtained this medical exemption by deception, Hooton elaborated:

Ok so my oldest daughter had a penicillin reaction and caused really bad hives. I took pictures of them obviously for future reference.
My second child had her 2 month needles and then I went back to the dr with pictures of the allergic reaction and said that’s what happened from the needles and pretended it was her instead of my older child.
She recorded it on the state system and wrote her off on any other immunisations.
She referred us to an immunologist and I ‘forgot’ about the appointment and have never looked back. She now starts school next week and is the healthiest kid ever

Hooton then published photos of her older child’s “penicillin reaction”, which, as we will see, were originally taken in 2016:

Hooton stated:

Bad I know but it was the only way I could survive. 🙁

I will be removing these comments in 15 mins haha

Indeed, Hooton deleted the damning comments. The post now appears like this:

Hooton has history in the Anti-Vaccination Australia group; she has posted the photos of the “penicillin reaction” before.

Hooton joined the group in January 2016, under the guise of her child having a “reaction” at that time:

In February 2016, Hooton provided a different explanation for what she now claims was a “penicillin reaction” which caused “really bad hives”; the photos are the same ones she provided yesterday:

I got a medical exemption for my 19 month old after being bullied into giving her her first immunisations ever at 19 months. She came out in an awful rash, was screaming high pitch, fever over 38 and wouldn’t even let me touch her or bfeed her 🙁
she went to hospital and was told it was a reaction to the immunisations. Went back to the gp and she wrote her off vaccines for ever. Said next time it could be anaphylaxis.

Hooton added:

Lucky enough she is well and happy now. Back to her normal self. It could have been worse 🙁 I have the worst guilt ever but in a cruel to be kind scenario, I’m glad it happened now as we are now medically exempt 🙂

Hi Laurette it was the 2 month immunisation, the doctor said she thinks it may have been the preservative but couldn’t be sure so wrote off all vaccinations. My daughter has been referred to an immunologist as the preservative could be one that she will be exposed to in the future just in her diet

In July 2016, in reply to another member, Hooton reiterated her story, this time offering up her photographs for others to use to defraud Centrelink:

Hooton stated:

This was my daughter’s rash after we gave her the 2 month needles at 18 months. She is now medically exempt


Katie I was against vaccinations. I just haven’t done enough research to trust that they are safe. My gp finally talked me into it and I’m so happy but totally pissed that she did because now we are medically exempt

I’m I’m WA. My gp put it down as severe anaphylactic as she thinks that another dose might cause this and I sent it through to Medicare and it was approved.

Feel free to use my pictures to convince a gp that your child had a reaction. This stuff is potent. It could have killed my baby.

In February 2017, Hooton posted again stating that her child was in Port Hedland hospital on intravenous antibiotics:

The admissions from Hooton, combined with her changing story regarding the cause of her child’s reaction, as depicted in the photos, gives due cause for Centrelink to investigate Hooten for obtaining benefit by deception in at least one instance. There appears to be enough here to investigate both medical exemptions granted to her children.



On January 24 2018, Hooton posted a message in Anti-Vaccination Australia, from The West Australian Health Editor Cathy O’Leary, including Cathy O’Leary’s phone number. Members of the group contacted Cathy O’Leary, with Hooton’s blessing; one AVA member – Jaye Son Sheild – even impersonating a “legal representative”:

Hooton accused those who took the original screenshots of photo-shopping her comments:

Jaye Son Sheild impersonated Hooton’s “legal representative”:

Amanda Hooton so i just contacted her and i said I was your legal representative, she was talking about your posts regarding a way to recieve payments and not vacinate. I informed her that to force a parent to forcefully vaccinate a child under a direct threat is extortion, and we the people will be taking this further to parliament and have our concerns adressed. She refused to answer who she worked for. she kept coming back to the fact you posted something regarding a loop hole in the law in order to recieve payments after a refusal to vaccinate, and i reminded her that the law is not black and white, and if there is a loop hole, than that is lawful and there is absolutely nothing illegal about giving infomation out to the public. she wants to discuss this with you directly, I wouldnt bother

Other comments from a very long thread containing abuse of Cathy O’Leary:

Hooton claims that her medical  exemption is “legal and binding”:


Huge thanks goes to my friend who was quick enough to capture Hooton’s boasts and other posts in Anti-Vaccination Australia. 


Update January 29 2018

Antivaxers in Anti-Vaccination Australia have advocated paying to have me  killed. Twelve antivaxers liked the idea:

Jasmine Wood Wtf…thats defamation..i would be getting lawyer. Or payimg someone to just kill fuckwithank



Posted in anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, Belgin Colak Arslan, Brett Smith, Immunisation, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, vaccination | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 14 Comments

Fundraising underway for Nazi-oppressed anti-vaccination chiropractor Simon Floreani

On the afternoon of January 10 2018, the ferociously anti-vaccination pressure group the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network – run by president Tasha David and past-president Meryl Dorey – compared bereaved parent Catherine Hughes – a public health hero lauded in our federal parliament who is also the 2016 Western Australia Young Australian of the Year – to Nazis. One AVN page member also referred to Ms Hughes as a “dumb mole”:

Later in the afternoon, the AVN shared a fundraising campaign – itself started by anti-vaccination activist Tamara Rattray, with a target of $300,000 – in which the costs of “legal fees” are sought for being unrepentant anti-vaccination chiropractor Simon Floreani, who is apparently the target of alleged “Nazis ruling Australia right now.” Floreani himself is a current or former member of the AVN:

Floreani had previously been suspended and, then, had the suspension lifted in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. From my previous post on Floreani (note: more Nazi references)

Renowned and unapologetic anti-vaccination chiropractor Simon Floreani – once the president of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia – has been let off, once again.

Floreani – who has regularly thumbed his nose at regulators with his anti-vaccination activities, for which he was previously cautioned by AHPRA; who recently allowed his business to be used by the antivax pressure group the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, to show the anti-vaccination movie, Vaxxed; who has also bragged about sneaking into a hospital, using a fake identity, to treat a spinal patient; who also referred a patient to a fake gynaecologist; and whose supporters recently compared themselves to Jews during The Holocaust – continues to laugh at the regulators.

New conditions have appeared on Floreani’s chiropractic registration, noting that his suspension now appears to be over…

In her GoFundMe blurb, Rattray states that Floreani had given assurances that he would cease his unprofessional conduct (full text of GoFundMe page, below):

All of this means further significant cost to the Floreani family of perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars, which could easily be avoided if the regulator is willing accept Dr Simon’s reassurances (which he gave under oath in the legal proceedings) that he will abide by the guidelines and statements that govern him as a health professional, instead of forcing him to challenge its decisions in extremely expensive legal battles.

One can understand the regulator’s alleged reservations in believing Mr Floreani’s verbal assurances, given his wife’s promises, declaring the opposite, in 2013:

But high-profile chiropractors say they will continue providing information about both sides of the vaccination argument.

Chiropractor and author Jennifer Barham-Floreani says it will not stop her colleagues from giving patients advice.

“Chiropractors will certainly be working towards making sure that the information that they convey to parents is the latest, up-to-date information that presents both sides of the vaccination debate,” she said.

Watch this space for more Nazis.

If you think the fundraising for Floreani’s legal fees is in breach of GoFundMe’s Terms of Service, you can tell them about it, here:


Floreani GoFundMe fundraiser full text:

Dr Simon Floreani’s Legal Fees

I have started this Go Fund Me page to help support one of the most dedicated and passionate health practitioners I’ve come to know and depend upon for my family’s health, Dr Simon Floreani.

Dr Simon recently had his chiropractic registration suspended under the ‘immediate action’ laws that apply to health practitioners, even though the two events on which the suspension was based took place nearly a year beforehand, and even though there was no complaint by any of Dr Simon’s patients that he had caused harm to any person. The two events were:

1. In October 2016, Dr Simon was interviewed online by an American chiropractor for a Californian conference and in that wide-ranging interview there was a mention by the interviewer of the Australian Government’s mandatory vaccination changes. Dr Simon made some comments in response that were considered by the regulator to be anti-vaccination in nature.

2. In December 2016, Dr Simon allowed his practices premises to be used for the screening of a film ‘Vaxxed’ which neither he nor any of his staff attended. The regulator considers this film to be anti-vaccination in nature.

The regulator notified Dr Simon in late December 2016 of its concerns about these two events, and reminded Dr Simon of the statements and guidelines it had issued which prohibit chiropractors from displaying, promoting or providing materials, information or advice which is anti-vaccination in nature, or from making public statements discouraging vaccination. From that point on, Dr Simon made no further public comments about vaccination and did not provide any patients with anti-vaccination material. He also tried to have the interview taken down from YouTube but has been unsuccessful, since it was published by an unrelated person.

Despite this, at the end of September last year, with only one week’s notice (and while he was travelling overseas), Dr Simon had his registration suspended because he supposedly represented a “serious” risk to his patients and it was “necessary” to take immediate action.

Only after a recent legal process has he and his legal team managed to get a ‘stay’ of his suspension, but despite this win Dr Simon was under suspension and unable to practise for 7 weeks, and this has seriously damaged his reputation and business.

In the meantime, Dr Simon’s legal costs have mounted up: to date he has had to pay about $160,000 for his own defence, and at this stage it is not clear how much of this might be covered by his insurance provider.

Despite obtaining a stay, this situation is only temporary: although he is now practising again, the regulator’s decision to suspend him under the ‘immediate action’ laws is still under appeal in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and may be reinstated. And even if his appeal is successful, the regulator is still investigating these historical events and that may result in another decision to sanction him.

All of this means further significant cost to the Floreani family of perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars, which could easily be avoided if the regulator is willing accept Dr Simon’s reassurances (which he gave under oath in the legal proceedings) that he will abide by the guidelines and statements that govern him as a health professional, instead of forcing him to challenge its decisions in extremely expensive legal battles.

I cannot help but feel that the regulator in this case is being unfairly heavy-handed with a practitioner who has only ever had his patients’ best interests and wellbeing at heart and provided the utmost care for them and their families, and so I sincerely ask you, if you are able, to please donate towards Dr Simon Floreani’s legal costs to help him keep fighting to maintain his practice, his patients’ well being and his family’s livelihood.



Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, chiropractic, Immunisation, meryl dorey, mobbing, public health, Public mobbing, Simon Floreani, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David, vaccination | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A new year brings fresh antivax trolling and vilification of Light for Riley

I’m being quite serious when I say she is suffering with delusions
of grandeur and/or a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as if
she somehow holds the power
to prevent babies dying. She will
use any possible way to get attention for
herself, including casting
herself as the victim
– AVN antivax page member Trinity James discussing
Catherine Hughes, whose baby son Riley died from whooping cough in 2015.

Those of us who follow and expose the anti-vaccination movement for what it is – and it certainly is not love and light – are well accustomed to antivaxers’ attacks on bereaved families. We’ve covered this in depth, with examples herehere and here.

Catherine Hughes states this, eloquently:

Since the day after we lost Riley, we were attacked by anti-vaccine activists who mocked, harassed and wrote lies about us. In a sense, I can totally understand why – his death and our immunisation advocacy was a threat to their perception of the world. It confronted their staunch belief that vaccines are bad and that diseases are safe. It must have been deeply unsettling, and it certainly caused some to lash out at us.

At the forefront of this repugnant behaviour has always been Meryl Dorey, the founder and former president of the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN), who normalised these attacks on bereaved families; her AVN continuing to host posts provoking its antivax devotees into action.

In August 2017, the anti-vaccination movement was panned in our federal parliament for its attacks on the Hughes family, whilst the Hughes have been recognised several times as the public health heroes they are:

Fittingly, Catherine Hughes was awarded the 2016 Western Australia Young Australian of the Year.

On December 28 2017, Light for Riley re-posted their evidence-based May 1 2017 post, noting that this had been their most-shared post from 2017:

Our most-shared post for the year.
I still stand by every point 

Light for Riley
1 May 2017

Ten things I want parents who don’t vaccinate their kids to know:

1. There are no cures for most of the diseases we vaccinate against.

2. Even if you choose not to vaccinate, please please please make yourselves aware of the symptoms of these potentially fatal diseases. Infections like Meningococcal can kill within 24 hours, and every minute counts.

3. If you’re really worried about vaccine “toxins”, you don’t want to see what the toxins from Bordetella Pertussis (the bacteria responsible for whooping cough) can do. Trust me – I watched my newborn son die from it.

4. If your children contract a disease like measles or whooping cough, they usually have no symptoms in the first day or two – yet they are highly contagious. Keeping them away from others when sick is often too little, too late – the disease has already spread.

5. Your children will grow up, and you will need to be prepared to explain why you chose to leave them unprotected from serious disease.

6. Vaccines are not perfect. Like condoms… there’s a failure rate. There’s a tiny chance you might have a reaction. But they protect you from a hell of a lot of nasty stuff.

7. If you are worried about where to get good and unbiased information from, speak to someone who has worked in intensive care. They have seen patients with vaccine-preventable diseases. And if someone was in a serious way from a reaction to a vaccine, they would have seen those patients too. I have never met an ICU doctor/nurse who is against vaccination.

8. Be wary of those selling books, memberships, and alternatives to vaccination. They have rea$on$ for trying to convince you to not vaccinate.

9. In the time you have spent reading this, a few more children under the age of 5 have passed away from a vaccine-preventable disease somewhere in the world. These diseases are serious, they are deadly, and they are preventable.

10. It’s not too late to change your mind!

– Riley’s Mum

R.I.P Riley

From December 28 2017, ongoing, the Hughes family has been barraged with anti-vaccination activists trolling the Light for Riley page, trolling their direct messages, and vilifying them on posts in which the page was tagged (ensuring that the Hughes would see these comments).

The Light for Riley admins have counted that 294 antivaxers were banned from the page, with a conservative estimate that 350-400 anti-vaccination comments were deleted.

The reason for the influx of trolling on the Light for Riley page was – and is always – that the Light for Riley post was shared in anti-vaccination groups and on anti-vaccination pages, with a call-out for antivaxers to flood the page with their comments.

In this case, the main source-group was Stop Mandatory Vaccination, a group consisting of 121,000 global anti-vaccinationists (and those who watch anti-vaccinationists), created by and administered by Californian antivaxer Larry Cook. For perspective, here is Larry Cook, in 2015:

This is the December 28 2017 post in Cook’s SMV group which includes this comment by Amie Walmsley, about Catherine Hughes:

…someone needs to inject her with vaccines until she dies.

Walmsley’s comment was made in reply to veteran AVN member Anita Bugges, who stated the following of Catherine Hughes:

…who knows how many deaths she has been responsible for.

Walmsley took up the offer to troll the Light for Riley page. She went through a series of posts, tagging them with laughing emoticons:

These are just two of the posts that Walmsley decided were hilarious:

The following four examples, from the Light for Riley page, were also captured on December 28 2017.

Katie Brock:

Lyndsay Schumacher:

Jerra J L Bullis:

Rae Gordon:

On January 1 2018, the following was posted on Light for Riley.

James Hellerman:

January 2 2018.

Tim Shandler sent this private message to the Hughes:

Jessica Parker posted this on the Light for Riley page:

January 3 2018.

Chelsea Kompler trolled the Hughes via private message. Her questions had already been answered on the Light for Riley page, prior to her banning for antivax trolling:

Trinity James is a pseudonymous coward who has been a member of all AVN and other anti-vaccination fora for a few years. James left this repugnant comment on an antivax page – the Hughes having been tagged via Light for Riley – that stated that it does not condone this sort of thing. This comment is still published on the antivax page, seemingly condoned:

Nice piece of fake news to kick off the new year. This was manufactured to cast vaccine choice advocates as dangerous and wanting to silence Catherine Hughes, when the opposite is true. It wouldn’t surprise me if that Hank prick posted it himself. I read an article recently which showed she was a member of SAVN for years before her baby died. SAVN’s key objective is to stop (silence) the AVN. Just a grieving parent my ass.

I’m being quite serious when I say she is suffering with delusions of grandeur and/or a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as if she somehow holds the power to prevent babies dying. She will use any possible way to get attention for herself, including casting herself as the victim. She is supporting the government line. How could she be the victim? Fucking ridiculous.

As always, tell your families and friends about the real anti-vaccination movement and its history of vilifying bereaved families. Nothing speaks louder to genuine fence-sitters than showing the real face of those who would otherwise claim to be ethical, intelligent and honest. We know antivaxers are none of those things.

January 8 2018

Cheyene Hayes comments posted on Light for Riley page:

Bryony Esther direct message sent to Light for Riley page:


Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, Light for Riley, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, vaccination | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network launches another vile attack on parents of deceased baby boy

The anti-vaccination pressure group the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network has decided that it is on a winner now that it is openly and directly attacking bereaved parents who advocate for the betterment of public health.

This puts to rest the previous dishonest claims from AVN founder and professional committee member Meryl Dorey, who stated, falsely, in 2013, “I never have and never will harass or hurt a grieving parent.”

Today the AVN went after Catherine Hughes from Light for Riley, again, because this is what Meryl Dorey, AVN president Tasha David, and their members do now. Catherine Hughes’ crime? She was given an advisory position on a university-based research group. From the group’s website:

What is SKAI?

SKAI stands for Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation. SKAI is a three-year research project that is investigating vaccination communication and developing resources to share information about childhood immunisation.

Given the successful and wide-ranging impact the Hughes have had on the provision of immunisation, especially maternal whooping cough boosters, one would argue correctly that Catherine Hughes rightfully takes her place in an advisory role for this research project.

Catherine Hughes explains:

I am happy to be a volunteer member of numerous committees. I am passionate about having a positive impact on immunisation research and love sharing the insights I have gained from speaking with parents at parenting expos and online.

My role is never as an expert, but as a parent advocate. I really believe it is important for community members to have a say in health research, because the research has an effect on the whole community.

Of course, none of this matters to anti-vaccination activists. Here’s the threads from the AVN’s official Facebook pages, today.

From the AVN’s official Fans page, the anonymous, courageous admin “VC” kicks off the conspiracy mongering:

This is seriously dodgy. Catherine Hughes has now been appointed to govt advisory committee. VC

Anne-Marie Koelewyn And Catherine Hughes ‘Light for Riley’ is part of the group…………. This is just ridiculous …..

Rixta Francis Bizarre is the only word I can think of to describe this. You can’t make this stuff up.

Jo Fletcher You’re right it’s deliberately done to benefit particular interests.

Clyde Shelton is a fake name used by Western Australian concrete cutter Jason Van Krieken. Make sure your families and friends are aware of Van Krieken’s callous activities.

The AVN admins “VC” and Dorey openly attack Catherine Hughes in response to one of Catherine’s defenders:

Clyde Shelton I’d call her out for what she is, a big pharma sock puppet!

Donna Harris Kay Bryan the pro vaccine community make light of other family’s loss and death of a child daily. If you lose your child to a vaccine related death and speak about it you are vilified. So don’t come on here high and mighty suggesting how we should act.

Perhaps join another group.

Fans of the AVN Kay Bryan She doesn’t care about others, Kay Bryan – if she did, she would care about those who have lost children to vaccination. She doesn’t. We care about ALL children and want healthy, happy, intelligent kids who are able to live up to their potential. What do you want?

MD [Meryl Dorey]

Fans of the AVN Kay Bryan, the article is about corruption. What was the real reason for the fast-tracked WA pregnancy vaccine program? What are Catherine Hughes qualifications to sit on an advisory committee? Is a person who mocks a segment of the population an appropriate person to be sitting on a govt advisory committee? BTW, how was the death of Riley Hughes avoidable? VC

The AVN then deepens their attack on Catherine Hughes. claiming that the Light for Riley campaign – based on the death of four-week-old baby boy Riley Hughes, from whooping  cough – was “entirely orchestrated” in order to push vaccines:

Kirsty Mckenzie Its getting out of hand.To much dodgey going on.

Sumukhi Dasi An emotionally charged uneducated scienceless twit ( they’ll most likely chuck her an honorary Phd) is one of a handful of people making scientific decisions that will affect all Australians! They have got to be out of their pseudo-science, poisonmongering, cotton pickin’ minds!

Alison Gaffney Who appointed these members? We need to get in touch with them to share or dismay and concern. And yes a have a true rep in place to care about the dangers.

Fans of the AVN Alison, given the WA pregnancy vaccine program was not initiated in response to the death of Riley Hughes, the logical conclusion to draw is that Light for Riley was entirely orchestrated from the start. I will be writing to my representatives to alert them to this, because they have been comprehensively deceived. VC

The reader will notice that one commenter loved the Sumukhi Dasi comment. That commenter was the AVN page admin:

On the AVN Inc. page, the anonymous, courageous admin “VC” continued:

This is seriously dodgy. Catherine Hughes has now been appointed to govt advisory committee. VC

AVN members illustrate that they know as much about conflicts of interest as they do about vaccines:

Sabine Sa Val Fascinating indeed if true….and not surprised….had a hunch about this….

Jamie Elizabeth Crook Australia has officially been handed to HELL in a handbasket

Jamie Elizabeth Crook complete conflict of interest…. disgusted

Janis Cole The ladies in this group would eat her for dinner (without need to spit the bones out) which is why they shut down the conversation with Ex/Anti Vaxxers
Well educated passionate people 💗💗💗 – keeping up the fight for kids everywhere 

Time to shut down this grotesque organisation which has the infliction of pain as its only driving factor. This organisation needs to be immediately deregistered in the interests of public health and safety.


Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, Health Care Complaints Commission, Immunisation, Light for Riley, meryl dorey, public health, Public mobbing, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Professional anti-vaccination activist Meryl Dorey now seeking $5000/month income from antivaxers

Meryl Dorey – the founder, former president, and current committee member of the anti-vaccination pressure group the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network – who has a public health warning against hers and the AVN’s names, is now using the Patreon platform to seek a $5000/month income to lie to health care professionals and the broader community about the risks and benefits of immunisation. Dorey states her goals on the Patreon website:

When I reach $2,000 per month from patrons, I will start bi-weekly free webinars to keep everyone up-to-date on the most recent news and information from around the world regarding vaccination and health rights.

When I reach $5,000 per month from patrons, I will launch my first in-depth class free to the public. This class will aim to help parents and health professionals to make informed choices regarding vaccination by providing them with a broad ranged of historical and up-to-date references and outlining some of the questions they need to be asking before saying yes (or no) to vaccines.

These are Dorey’s qualifications to be providing health advice, from 2009:

Dorey and the AVN – fresh from their recent scamming of $160,000 of their followers’ donations which were intended for a High Court legal challenge against the federal government’s No Jab No Pay legislation, with its glaring lack of accountability and wealth of subterfuge – and fresh from their continued abuse, vilification and defamation of bereaved parents: cruel and callous behaviour long normalised by Dorey – have taken the obvious next step for a public health menace addicted to other people’s money and the overseas trips taken on the same: they want a regular income to bolster their vocation; a vocation built upon a history of lying and abuse, and a consistent failure to substantiate their origin stories of being the parents to “vaccine injured” children. It is an industry built on reckons sans clinical diagnoses.

Dorey lists her Patreon prices in which she asks for more money so as to fulfill her dreams:

Your help makes it all possible!

$1 or more per month

You are part of something really big and I thank you so much! After pledging, you’ll receive a link to join my private Facebook group where we can discuss many of the issues near and dear to all of our hearts regarding health freedom and vaccination choice. You will also be the first to know about any up-coming events, webinars etc that I’ve got up my sleeve. (This all goes for any pledge from $1 up.)

Do you share my dream?

$5 or more per month

More than 15,000 people visit the blog every month and nearly that many like our Facebook page. If each one of you provided just $5 a month in sponsorship, you could help make my dream of widespread vaccination education become a reality and – nearly as important – make nocompulsoryvaccination the anti-choice government’s and pharma’s biggest nightmare! Is that worth five bucks? I think we all know the answer to that question.

We’re really making a difference now!

$10 or more per month

To the world changers, the Earth movers; to those who see what’s wrong and want to make it right – I salute you! Your sponsorship will make all the difference. I leave you with one of the most powerful and truth-filled quotes I know:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

You are a true hero! (or a heroine-we don’t discriminate here 🙂

$25 or more per month

Heroes stand up for what they believe in. They are not afraid of having unpopular opinions or of defending those who are weaker than themselves. You are a hero because you literally put your money where your beliefs are and you are amazing!

Do people like you even exist?

$100 or more per month

When you combine an idea with the wherewithal to make it a reality – you have real magic! That’s what you create by sponsoring at this level! This is real commitment. This is a genuine dedication to ideas and beliefs that will not just help you and your family but society as a whole. I salute you!

No matter how hard I squint I am finding it difficult to see how anyone wins here, except Dorey. It is quite a brazen pitch.

Here is Meryl Dorey recently cheering for Polly Tommey (now banned from Australia), alongside Suzanne Humphries (also reportedly now banned from Australia), as Tommey declares, “the best safe vaccine is no vaccine!”:

And here is Meryl Dorey gleeful as Brian Hooker declares that parents should provide, “no vaccines for children”:

When Meryl Dorey claims she is not anti-vaccine, she is lying. And she wants to be paid for it. Nothing has changed.


Posted in abuse, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, Health Care Complaints Commission, Immunisation, meryl dorey, mobbing, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Antivax chiropractor Simon Floreani rewarded with light conditions on his registration

Renowned and unapologetic anti-vaccination chiropractor Simon Floreani – once the president of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia – has been let off, once again.

Floreani – who has regularly thumbed his nose at regulators with his anti-vaccination activities, for which he was previously cautioned by AHPRA; who recently allowed his business to be used by the antivax pressure group the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, to show the anti-vaccination movie, Vaxxed; who has also bragged about sneaking into a hospital, using a fake identity, to treat a spinal patient; who also referred a patient to a fake gynaecologist; and whose supporters recently compared themselves to Jews during The Holocaust – continues to laugh at the regulators.

New conditions have appeared on Floreani’s chiropractic registration, noting that his suspension now appears to be over:


On 14 November 2017, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal stayed the decision to suspend the practitioner’s registration until further order of the tribunal on condition that, subject to the outcome of the proceeding:

a. The applicant will not display, promote or provide materials, information or advice that is anti-vaccination in nature to patients;
b. The applicant will not make public comment discouraging vaccination; and
c. If the applicant is asked by a patient or prospective patient for information about vaccination, the applicant will refer that person to an appropriately qualified health professional, such as a general practitioner.

Presumably this now allows Floreani to make his tilt at the CAA presidency, once again.


Posted in anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, australian vaccination network, AVN, chiropractic | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Anti-vaccine chiropractors 73

On August 8 2013, the Chiropractic Board of Australia sent a strong warning to Australian chiropractors that it would no longer tolerate anti-vaccination and other misinformation in the profession:

The Chiropractic Board of Australia cracks down to protect the public.

The Chiropractic Board of Australia is cracking down on chiropractors who step outside their primary role as healthcare practitioners and provide treatment that puts the public at risk.

To protect public safety, the Board has:

  • ordered practitioners to remove all anti-vaccination material from their websites and clinics
  • removed several courses from the list of approved CPD programs, and
  • introduced random audits of practitioner compliance with the Board’s registration standards.

On March 7 2016, the Chiropractic Board of Australia sent a strong warning to Australian chiropractors that it would no longer tolerate anti-vaccination and other misinformation in the profession:

The Board is very concerned about any chiropractors with advertising (including websites) that may not meet the required standards despite repeated guidance being provided by the Board.

In order to provide further clarity to both practitioners and the public, the Board provides the following clear advice on advertising matters.

Advertising regulated health services

Inappropriate claims of benefit

Patients must be adequately informed when making health care choices. Advertisers must ensure that any statements and claims made in relation to chiropractic care are not false, misleading or deceptive or create an unreasonable expectation of beneficial treatment.

The Board is concerned about a number of practitioners who are making claims in advertising that there is a relationship between manual therapy (e.g. manipulation) for spinal problems and achieving general wellness or treating various organic diseases and infections; or that spinal problems may have a direct role in various organic diseases and infections. There is insufficient scientific evidence to support these claims…

Antivaccination advice

Chiropractors should not display, promote or provide materials, information or advice that is anti-vaccination in nature and should not make public comment discouraging vaccination.

The Code of conduct for chiropractors notes that all chiropractors have a responsibility to promote the health of the community through disease prevention and control, education and, where relevant, screening.

If patients request information about vaccination, they should be referred to an appropriately qualified health professional for advice.

Jason Karalus is a registered chiropractor who runs a business called Darlinghurst Chiropractic Centre:

Karalus’ business biography states:

Jason has over 20 years as a chiropractor both in Australia and overseas. He has worked in the practice since 2007 and is now the owner and principle chiropractor at Darlinghurst Chiropractic centre.

He has worked at Macquarie University as a lecturer and clinical supervisor. He has also been the principle practitioner at many national and international sports events including; surfing, volleyball, ironman, swimming and surf life saving. He also worked on the medical team for the Sydney 2000 Olympics.

He says that a well functioning and maintained spine is not only less likely to be injured, it also heals faster following a trauma. As the spine protects the nervous system, regular adjustments not only keep the aches and pains at bay but improves your overall health and well being.

Karalus’ chiropractic registration shows that he has been reprimanded by AHPRA for the “improper use of patients’ private health insurance for [his] own financial benefit”:

Dr Jason Karalus you have been found guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct in connection with the improper use of patients’ private health insurance entitlements for your own financial benefit. The Chiropractic profession is a profession in which such conduct is never acceptable. You are hereby reprimanded in the strongest possible terms.

Karalus has used his public Facebook profile for the promotion of chiropractic, in 2016 and 2017:

In action brought by AHPRA, chiropractor Hance Limboro was convicted for providing testimonials on his social media:

Limboro, 45, was also fined $2000 for using testimonials – which are banned in health advertising – on the website for his clinic.

One of the testimonials said: “Would have been in a wheelchair.”

Another testimonial said: “Since receiving chiropractic care, I’ve had no asthma, no hay fever, and no back pain.”

Karalus makes use of banned testimonials on many fora. On Facebook, Karalus even provided a testimonial for himself and his business:

Karalus requested that testimonials be provided to his Google Plus page:

Karalus also publishes testimonials on his LinkedIn profile:

Karalus shares the bulk of his anti-vaccination posts from the dishonest anti-vaccination Facebook page, Vaccination Information Network (VINE), which is administered by callous veteran antivaxer, Erwin Alber.

Karalus’ outrageous anti-vaccination commentary from his Facebook posts will also be included.

On September 24 2017, Karalus posted misinformation about the influenza vaccine, which does not cause miscarriages:

To get the best effects of the flu vaccine, start early…..even before they’re born.

Karalus continued:

From the Fluvax insert…..not even the manufacturers have studied the effects of the vaccine on pregnant women. Even though their studies show that the vaccine can cause a febrile state in children and pregnant women are advised to avoid a fever it seems crazy that they would still recommend this vaccine in pregnancy.

Not a randomised control study. Vaccination status not recorded for 50% of a meager 17 people in study. Dobt know the cause or vaccination status of 4 that died….more likely due to emergency cesarean section.
When the media gets hold of rubbish studies like this their sensational journalism pushed by the pharma propaganda machine just scares the public.
Explain how we have the worst flu season on record despite 400% increase in flu jabs over 10 years? Don’t tell me the unvaccinated are spreading it to the vaccinated (that old chestnut is laughable if you believe vaccines work) OR that vaccinated get a milder dose of the flu (No proof of that-just more proof it doesn’t work)?
Maybe the only positive thing to come of this is that my CSL shares have quadrupled in value over the same 10 years. Boom

On October 2 2017, Karalus posted misinformation regarding the polio vaccine, which has never caused cancer:

50 years later the CDC admitt that up to 30 million Americans contaminated with cancer causing polio vaccine.

On October 5 2017, Karalus agreed with Donald Trump that the influenza vaccine is a “scam”:

I’m on his side with this one!

On October 8 2017, Karalus posted intentionally misleading misinformation from VINE, regarding vaccine adverse events monitoring:

On October 19 2017, Karalus posted the anti-vaccination lie that vaccines cause autism:

Karalus added the ubiquitous, misleading anti-vaccination meme that claims that he is not anti-vaccine:

Karalus posted the antivax meme again, and added:

Ignorance is bliss. If you don’t look you won’t find. It’s obviously feels more comfortable to blindly follow like a sheep than to ever try and join the dots yourself.

Karalus continued:

Matt, there is no scientific proof that vaccines work…….. which is proof for me that it does not work!
You found 1 article about Gardisil, but the head researcher on that paper later came out as a whistleblower about the fraudulent data released from the Pharma. You’d think with the trillions in profits, 50+years of use and millions of vaccinations that you would be able to find 1 decent s scientific paper. NOPE! Blind ignorance is bliss

When the Wright brothers had a theory they could fly, they had to prove it…..its not the responsibility of the non-believers to disprove it. The point is that the non-belivers were right until the Wright brothers proved then wrong.

Time for your flu shot Nicole.
[Natural News link which contains lies about the influenza vaccine]

Karalus continued:

You obviously didn’t read that article either….. and you obviously don’t understand how herd immunity works. The flu vaccine destroys the immune system and increases the likelihood of contacting the flu in the future….. not too mention the adverse reactions. Only natural immunity from exposure to the real virus can truly give you life long immunity….. that a mother Vann pass onto het child. No vaccine can achieve this.

Karalus then posted HIV/AIDS misinformation:

I know that most cases of polio today are caused by the vaccine with exposure during shedding and that HIV was caused by polio vaccine contaminated by simian virus. But you should quote some research rather than just just telling me about your grand mother and friends…..
And before you use them as a case study, ask then if they were vaccinated.

I’d like you to quote 1 double blinded control study rather than than read the emotional crap about your grandmother and insults.

Karalus continued:

Did you read these.
In the 3rd study 24 of the vaccinated still got rotavirus gastro….ie it didn’t work. It didn’t measure how many in the trial had an adverse reaction to the vaccine or how many had permanently damaged immune systems and later developed autoimmune disorders.
The 2nd article studied the hepatitis vaccine with and without HBIg… doesn’t address why babies are vaccinated for a disease spread by sex and if drug use. WTF

I didn’t even bother reading the 3rd. Obviously There are studies that show that something measurable changes in the human body after injecting poisons into it…..but no study has been done to show that vaccines are responsible for reducing the incidence of a disease and that the adverse effects are worth the possible benefits. Give me any childhood disease or a flu any day before injecting all that crap into me that they force onto babies that are too young to make a decision for themselves and the negative effects on their health are life long and irreversible.

Typical nasty reaction from an ignorant sheep that believes all the propaganda and not smart enough to have a mind of their own. It’s not dangerous to be well read and well informed and able to make decisions based on all the information. It is dangerous to believe the crap fed to you by those who put profit before people or the media. It is easier to not challenge and conform. So if being uneducated makes you more comfortable don’t read anything that might challenge your beliefs. Ignorance is bliss!

Karalus continued, citing the CDC whistleblower conspiracy theory which forms the basis for the anti-vaccination movie, Vaxxed:

Nick you need open your mind beyond what your friends (who have been told what to believe by pharmas) and Grandma tell you.
Opponents to mass child poisoning (disguised as vaccines) have nothing to gain con disseminating information gained from their readings.
Proponents get their information from a propaganda machine of one of the most profitable businesses in the world.
I have 2 degrees and one is med-science from NSW uni. I have met with the NSW health department in charge of vaccination who have never conducted research and not even sighted referenced material in their parent information pamphlets let alone challenged it. I have met with authors of books opposing vaccine (who gain nothing from their research work) and sighted thousands of articles that shed a bad light on vaccines, their toxic ingredients including heavy metals, horrific adverse reactions including cot death, Pharmas falsifying and manipulating data to make their products seem better (Google Merck falsifying data), the dramatic increase in auto-immune diseases such as asthma and eczema and 10 fold increase in autism in 1 generation (in developed countries where we should be getting healthier) etc etc etc! When Pharmas make trillions in profit yet medical mismanagement is the 3rd largest cause of death in development countries I ASK QUESTIONS. When Pharmas are protected from the freedom of information act (don’t have to release their research) and cannot be sued for injuries their products cause to babies I ASK WHY. When a pharma improve a vaccine (Gardisil recently) I scratch my head as it was supposed to be perfect before they experimented on our children. WHY don’t they push boosters for all these vaccines on adults, maybe because they couldn’t blame all the deaths, brain damage and illness on “it wasn’t the vaccine, little Johnny would’ve been autistic anyway”. WHY do we have vaccines for things that don’t exist anymore (polio and tetanus). WHY are they wanting to force pharmaceuticals on us and take away our civil right of choice. WHO profits from these decisions. When one of the top research scientists (William Thompson) from the CDC gets a conscience and turns whistleblower, discloses thousands of documents proving CDC (a supposed unbiased organisation in place to protect us) deception WHY has he not be subpoenaed for a Senate inquiry. WHY is the board of the CDC not in jail?????? There are so many unanswered questions.

On October 20 2017, Karalus posted the following anti-vaccination meme from VINE:

On October 21 2017, Karalus posted anti-vaccination misinformation from VINE, adding:

Influenza vaccines are approved for use in older people despite any clinical trials demonstrating a reduction in serious outcomes…

On October 21 2017, Karalus made the following unsubstantiated and incorrect claim, sharing a link from antivax website, Mercola:

Unvaccinated kids are healthier.

On October 21 2017, Karalus shared anti-vaccination lies about deaths from measles vaccination, which did not happen:

On October 22 2017, Karalus shared the following anti-vaccination meme from VINE:

On October 22 2017, Karalus again posted influenza vaccine misinformation misinformation from Natural News, stating the following:

Natural selection or irradication of the ignorant.

On October 23 2017, Karalus shared anti-fluoridation misinformation from VINE:

On October 23 2017, Karalus shared an anti-vaccination myth surrounding the Raggedy Ann doll. The creator of Raggedy Ann had in fact taken out the patent for the doll long before his daughter’s immunisation:

On October 23 2017, Karalus shared an anti-vaccination lie which asserts that vaccines are responsible for microcephaly. They are not:

On October 24 2017, Karalus shared an anti-vaccination post in which abusive US antivax doctor Jim Meehan accuses paediatricians of murder via vaccination:

On October 26 2017, Karalus shared anti-vaccination misinformation from online huckster David Avocado Wolfe:

On October 26 2017, Karalus posted misinformation regarding the Gardasil vaccine, from VINE:

On November 1 2017, Karalus posted misinformation from VINE’s Erwin Alber, which deliberately misrepresents the risk of contracting whooping cough in unvaccinated versus vaccinated individuals:

On November 5 2017, Karalus posted anti-vaccination lies regarding the Hepatitis B immunisation, from VINE:

On November 5 2017, Karalus posted outrageous anti-vaccination lies regarding the tetanus vaccine, from VINE:

400% more likely to die from tetanus vaccine than groom tetanus.

On November 5 2017, Karalus posted the anti-vaccination lie that vaccines cause autism:

On November 12 2017, Karalus posted misinformation against the highly effective and highly safe Gardasil vaccine:

Back over on Karalus’ business Facebook page, on April 23 2017, Karalus stated the following demonstrably flawed claim:

No danger associated with neck manipulation.

On April 12 2017, Karalus also used potentially illegal comparative advertising to promote his business:

The following addenda contain excerpts from the Chiropractic Board of Australia’s codes, guidelines, and social media policy from which the reader may wish to choose when lodging a complaint about Jason Karalus.

The Chiropractic Board will surely take strong action against this repeat offender.


Addendum 1

Code of conduct for chiropractors.

1.2 Professional values and qualities

[Practitioners] have a duty to keep their skills and knowledge up to date, refine and develop their clinical judgement as they gain experience, and contribute to their profession.

All practitioners have a responsibility to recognise and work within the limits of their competence, scope and areas of practice. Areas of practice vary according to different roles; for example, health practitioners, education providers, researchers and managers will all have quite different competencies and scopes of practice.

2.1 Providing good care. Introduction

a appropriately assessing the patient, taking into account their history (history includes relevant psychological, social and cultural aspects), views and conducting an appropriate physical examination

b ensuring that the diagnosis/clinical impression is appropriate, relevant, justifiable and based on sound clinical reasoning

d formulating and implementing a reasonable management plan (including providing treatment/care and advice and, where relevant, arranging investigations and liaising with other treating practitioners)

2.2 Good practice

a recognising and working within the limits of the chiropractor’s competence and scope and area of practice, which may change over time

b maintaining adequate knowledge and skills to provide safe and effective care, including providing treatment/care and advice and where relevant, arranging investigations and liaising with, or referring to, other health professionals

e considering the balance of benefit and harm in all clinical management decisions

g providing treatment/care options based on the best available information and practising in an evidence-based context and not being influenced by financial gain or incentives

h ensuring that services offered are provided with the best possible skill, care and competence

m ensuring that the chiropractor’s personal views do not adversely affect the care of their patients, and

n evaluating practice and the decisions made and action taken in providing good care.

3.4 Confidentiality and privacy

b seeking consent from patients before disclosing or sharing information

g ensuring that all staff are aware of the need to respect the confidentiality and privacy of patients and refrain from discussing patients in a non-professional context

j ensuring that use of social media and e-health is consistent with the practitioner’s ethical and legal obligations to protect privacy

3.5 Informed consent

b providing an explanation of the treatment/care recommended, its likely duration, expected benefits and cost, any alternative(s) to the proposed care, their relative risks/benefits, as well as the likely consequences of no care

c obtaining informed consent or other valid authority before undertaking any examination or investigation, providing treatment/care (this may not be possible in an emergency) or involving patients in teaching or research, including providing information on material risks

3.6 Informed financial consent

a ensuring that any financial agreement is based on the clinical needs of the patient

3.7 Children and young people

b placing the interests and wellbeing of the child or young person first

d ensuring informed consent to providing care for children involves the patient’s parent and/or guardian being provided with clinically relevant information for the chiropractic management of the child; unless a chiropractor judges that a child is of sufficient age and mental and emotional capacity to give their own consent to a service and relevant state and territory laws are complied with

e ensuring that risks of care and alternatives to care are sufficiently explained as these are essential elements of informed consent

4.1 Use of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in chiropractic practice

a a full and thorough assessment of patients using tools, tests and procedures that are appropriate for the gathering of information necessary to form a reasonable diagnosis or clinical impression

c only using diagnostic tools, tests and procedures in accordance with established protocols for their appropriate use

d evaluating and reporting the data obtained in a contextual way to ensure that a reasonable and relevant diagnosis/clinical impression is formed, and that appropriate and necessary care is provided

e when using tools, tests and procedures in formulating a diagnosis/clinical impression, management plan and/or for prognostic purposes, the tools used should be for conditions where there are demonstrated acceptable levels of reliability and validity, and

f not misrepresenting the clinical value or significance of the findings of any tool, test or procedure.

5.1 Respect for colleagues and other practitioners

b acknowledging and respecting the contribution of all practitioners involved in patient care

6.4 Public health matters

a understanding the principles of public health, including health education, health promotion, disease prevention, and control and screening

b participating in efforts to promote the health of the community and being aware of obligations in disease prevention, including screening and reporting notifiable diseases where relevant

6.5 Provision of care in a healthcare facility

Good practice involves:

a seeking permission to access and provide care

b adhering to and following the policies and procedures of the facility

c communicating effectively with other practitioners involved in the management of the patient

d keeping the the facility informed of any care

e ensuring professional indemnity insurance (PII) coverage to cover care in that facility, and

f keeping adequate records.

9.6 Advertising

a complying with the National Board’s Advertising guidelines and relevant state and territory legislation and Commonwealth law.

b making sure that any information published about services is factual and verifiable

10.2 Chiropractors’ health

c understanding the principles of immunisation against communicable diseases


Addendum 2

Guidelines for advertising regulated health services

6.2 Prohibited advertising under the National Law

Section 133 of the National Law prohibits advertising that:

– is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to be so
– offers a gift, discount or other inducement to attract a user of the health service without stating the terms and conditions of the offer
– uses testimonials or purported testimonials
– creates an unreasonable expectation of beneficial treatment, and/or
– encourages the indiscriminate or unnecessary use of health services.

Maximum penalty—

a in the case of an individual—$5,000; or

b in the case of a body corporate—$10,000.

6.2.1 Misleading or deceptive advertising

Section 133 of the National Law states:

1 A person must not advertise a regulated health service, or a business that provides a regulated health service, in a way that –

a Is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to be misleading or deceptive


– mislead, either directly, or by implication, use of emphasis, comparison, contrast or omission

– only provide partial information which could be misleading

– imply that the regulated health services can be a substitute for public health vaccination or immunisation

– advertise the health benefits of a regulated health service when there is no proof that such benefits can be attained, and/or

– compare different regulated health professions or practitioners, in the same profession or across professions, in a way that may mislead or deceive.

6.2.2 Gifts and discounts

Section 133 of the National Law states:

1 A person must not advertise a regulated health service, or a business that provides a regulated health service, in a way that –

b Offers a gift, discount or other inducement to attract a person to use the service or the business, unless the advertisement also states the terms and conditions of the offer

Advertising may contravene the National Law when it:

– contains price information that is inexact

– contains price information that does not specify any terms and conditions or variables to an advertised price, or that could be considered misleading or deceptive

– states an instalment amount without stating the total cost (which is a condition of the offer), and/or

– does not state the terms and conditions of offers of gifts, discounts or other inducements.

6.2.3 Testimonials

Section 133 of the National Law states:

1 A person must not advertise a regulated health service, or a business that provides a regulated health service, in a way that –

c Uses testimonials or purported testimonials about the service or business

6.2.4 Unreasonable expectation of beneficial treatment

Section 133 of the National Law states:

1 A person must not advertise a regulated health service, or a business that provides a regulated health service, in a way that –

d Creates an unreasonable expectation of beneficial treatment

6.2.5 Encouraging indiscriminate or unnecessary use of health services

Section 133 of the National Law states:

1 A person must not advertise a regulated health service, or a business that provides a regulated health service, in a way that –

e Directly or indirectly encourages the indiscriminate or unnecessary use of regulated health services

Advertising may contravene the National Law when it:

– makes use of time-limited offers which influence a consumer to make decisions under the pressure of time and money rather than about their health care needs.


Addendum 3

Social media policy

When using social media, health practitioners should remember that the National Law, their National Board’s code of ethics and professional conduct (the Code of conduct) and the Guidelines for advertising regulated health services (the Advertising guidelines) apply.

Registered health practitioners should only post information that is not in breach of these obligations by:

– complying with professional obligations
– complying with confidentiality and privacy obligations (such as by not discussing patients or posting pictures of procedures, case studies, patients, or sensitive material which may enable patients to be identified without having obtained consent in appropriate situations)
– presenting information in an unbiased, evidence-based context, and
– not making unsubstantiated claims.

Additional information may be available from professional bodies and/or employers, which aims to support health practitioners’ use of social media. However, the legal, ethical, and professional obligations that registered health practitioners must adhere to are set out in the National Boards’ respective Code of conduct and the Advertising guidelines.



Posted in anti-fluoride, anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, chiropractic, Health Care Complaints Commission, Immunisation, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, vaccination | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Dr Kevin Coleman – the antivaxers’ champion 4 – expelled by the AMA

See also:

  1. Dr Kevin Coleman – the antivaxers’ champion.
  2. Dr Kevin Coleman – the antivaxers’ champion 2.
  3. Dr Kevin Coleman – the antivaxers’ champion 3 – AHPRA registration suspended.

As we found out last week, Kevin Coleman has had his medical registration suspended. His wife Flavia Coleman told anti-vaccination Facebook group Unvaccinated Australia, on October 6 2017:

We now also know – also courtesy of his wife Flavia Coleman, who told Unvaccinated Australia, on October 8 2017 – that Coleman has been expelled from the Australian Medical Association (New South Wales):

Flavia Coleman Kristen Kevin Coleman my husband is a GP who has been bullied and intimidated by the system for 6 years for trying to do the right thing. Some details I can’t go into but I know this will sound strange read our novel you will read a lot into things. The last now losing count couple of years the bullying and intimidation has slowly reached fever pitch as he has come out in favour of pro choice for vaccines. In other words a parents choice for what is best for their child . They have tried all the nasty and underhanded tactics in the book to silence him after he wrote a letter of submission to the senate on passing the no jab no pay legeslation. Which he was entitled to as a citizen of this country. You will see the letter on the link I will put up for you if you scroll to the end of the page beneath our novel which as I suggest read what you can into it. Our novel that is. As a consequence of his letter to the senate Oz doc which is a doctors mag got a hold of it and wrote a rather nasty distorted article which became open slather for pack mentally bullying from countless doctors commenting and attacking him. Keep in mind Kevin’s letter to the senate was both legal and not antivax but prochoice in presenting a balanced argument against this coercive legislation. The pack mentality of doctors replying to the distorted oz doc article was not only nasty but if you were to read the pack mentally replies you will quickly see that the replies themselves appear to demonstrate that they have little to no scientific understanding of vaccines. Or so it seems as most the pack did not attack him with science but school yard comments such as Kellogg’s is not the only one who has fruit loops was a topical attack. I kid you not for the most of the hundred of attacks this type of reply by educated professionals made me personally lose respect. All the while Kevin kept his replies to the science. This all attracted the attention of the authorities and Reasonable Hank a group of on line trolls who publish distorted information on their page. Including a complaint about Olivers an organic chain restaurant for misleading the public that organic food is better than non organic. Not sure if they are serious or dellerious keeping in mind we have McDonald’s in the foyer of children’s hospital. Sorry for digression but an illustration of Reasonable Hanks page or maybe it should be re named Reasonable Prank. Back to Kevin he has subsequently been called on by parents to speak on behalf of themselves and their vaccine injured children so that politicians hear the voices of the thousands upon thousands injured. All the while this has led to numerous sitting before the authorities ultimately leading to being dismissed as a member of the AMA and a suspension. The awesome part is now we have more time to pursue our dreams of more novel writing, public speaking and research. We get to live the dream!

I am hoping that this will be the final collection of Coleman’s anti-vaccination activism. I wanted to publish this collection so that AHPRA and the Medical Council of NSW would be under no doubt about their correct decision to suspend Coleman’s registration. Surely, now, deregistration is the only answer.

The following collection of evidence includes three more video speeches from Coleman’s attendance at Sydney anti-vaccination protest rallies, one of which (June 4 2017), we had not seen before. The screenshots come from Coleman’s public Facebook profile.

Coleman’s speeches

On June 4 2017, Coleman gave this presentation whilst at a Sydney anti-vaccination protest rally. This video presentation had not been included, previously:

On September 12 2017, Coleman gave this rambling, first speech at the Sydney anti-vaccination protest rally outside NSW parliament:

On September 12 2017, Coleman backed up for a second speech at the same antivax protest rally:

Coleman’s Facebook profile

On October 11 2017, Coleman cited discredited and abusive anti-vaccination practitioner, Jim Meehan, who featured just days ago in Maggie Fox’s NBC article about abusive anti-vaccination activists. Coleman was subsequently defended by anti-vaccination chiropractor/osteopath Greg Fitzgerald:

On October 8 2017, on the public Facebook profile of Louisa/Lulu Kenzig/Langford – known for attacking the parents of deceased baby boy Riley Hughes and denying Riley’s existence – Flavia Coleman repeated Coleman’s spurious claim that he had a stroke due to the influenza vaccine:

On October 8 2017, Coleman shared an antivax screed from noted US antivax activist Ginger Taylor:

On October 2 2017, Coleman shared a YouTube video from rabid antivaxer Bev Pattenden, clearly showing that he does not understand the biochemistry nor the contents of vaccines:

On September 29 2017, posted HPV vaccination misinformation:

On September 24 2017, Coleman promoted delusional, anti-Semitic antivaxer Chris Savage, now living in exile in the Philippines. Savage is still a wanted man in Queensland:

For immediate character context, this is one of Savage’s most recent Facebook posts, from October 11 2017:

On September 24 2017, Coleman argued against routine immunisation of elderly persons:

On September 23 2017, Coleman promoted the rabid conspiracies of Olivier Vles (AKA Bernie Smith) and Vles’ The Truth Library:

On September 23 2017, Coleman again presented information against immunisation citing only mortality rates. Coleman used as his source, anti-vaccination activist JB Handley:

On September 18 2017, Coleman shared a post from Bev Pattenden claiming that vaccines are “poisons”:

On September 15 2017, Coleman promoted this embarrassing anti-vaccination screed:

Vaccine insanity 101

1) If I question the safety of vaccines, I’m told I’m not a doctor and I have no right, even though I’m the PARENT.

2) If a doctor questions the safety of vaccines, he or she is a “quack” and should be stripped of his/her medical license.

3) If I want to kill my unborn child, I have that right because it’s “MY BODY”, but once that child is born, he/she belongs to the state, and I cannot choose what’s best for that child.

4) I can abort my child, but if I don’t, I am forced to inject that child with other aborted children so the corporations can make money from the dead children.

5) If I score 18% on a test, that’s considered an epic failure, but the flu shot, which is only 18% effective, is “recommended” for my health.

6) If my child dies or has a severe reaction following a vaccination, it’s just a coincidence and I cannot spare my other children from the potential same outcome.

7) Vaccines do not cause autism or any other auto-immune disease, even though it’s listed on the package insert as a side effect.

8) Vaccines have nothing to do with our high Infant Mortality Rates, even though other countries who don’t have as many vaccines, have much lower infant deaths and we have the highest infant mortality in the industrialized world.

9) I must inject my child with toxins to protect another child, because the toxins only work if everyone gets injected with them.

10.) There are hundreds of diseases with higher death rates than the VIRUSES we vaccinate for but fear and common sense don’t matter as long as we go along to get along and trust the pharmaceutical companies.

On September 14 2017, Coleman promoted the fundraiser for suspended Melbourne antivax doctor John Piesse:

On September 14 2017, Coleman shared his Sydney antivax speech, posted originally by anti-vaccination activist Dan DeBuriatte:

On September 13 2017, Coleman asserted that vaccines cause autism:

On September 13 2017, Coleman shared DeBuriatte’s Sydney protest video, which featured anti-vaccination activists Allona Lahn and Judy Wilyman:

On September 13 2017, Coleman promoted a deranged anti-vaccination post from Maha Al Musa:

On September 13 2017, Coleman promoted the anti-vaccination protest rally in support of Piesse, which was held outside the Melbourne AHPRA offices, and starred AVN president Tasha David:

On September 11 2017, Coleman promoted the Sydney anti-vaccination protest rally:

On September 9 2017, Coleman promoted Handley’s claims that vaccines cause autism:

On September 9 2017, Coleman promoted Handley’s admiration for anti-vaccination celebrity Jenny McCarthy:

On September 9 2017, Coleman shared Handley’s post which asserts that vaccines cause autism:

On September 9 2017, Coleman shared his intricate knowledge of criminal investigations surrounding the AHPRA/police raid on Piesse’s medical practice:

On September 6 2017, Coleman shared this anti-vaccination screed from antivax activist Anna Rodgers, best known for calling deceased baby boy Riley Hughes’ mum a “fricken bitch” whilst questioning the existence of Riley:

On September 5 2017, Coleman shared the debunked lie that mercury causes autism:

On September 3 2017, Coleman shared an article calling herd immunity “Junk Science at its Finest”:

On September 3 2017, Coleman promoted the debunked lie that mercury in vaccines causes autism:

On September 2 2017, Coleman promoted Olivier Vles’ conspiracy site The Truth Library and one of Vles’ Facebook groups.

Olivier Vles’ – the creator and admin of The Unreasonable Wank Facebook page – asks members of PHARMA CORRUPTION AWARENESS (PCA) to “refrain from name calling and trolling”:

On September 2 2017, Coleman shared a Bev Pattenden post claiming that there is a “medical  mafia.” The post gained the approval of Coleman’s friend Meryl Dorey:

And, finally, on September 2 2017, Coleman states of this article:

This study confirms what that Measles immunisation is sabotaging “herd immunity”

Now, because I know my limitations, I asked someone who knows what they are talking about to provide a paragraph or two regarding Coleman’s misunderstanding of the article.

From a public health professional with experience in vaccines and vaccine preventable diseases:

“Measles immunisation is sabotaging herd immunity”

It is certainly true that individuals who have experienced wild-type measles infection tend to have higher measles neutralising antibody titers (levels) than do those who acquire immunity by vaccination.

But, is that sabotaging herd immunity? No evidence for this. Two doses of measles vaccination provides life long protection from infection (and therefore the ability to infect others in the “herd”/community) in almost all of those vaccinated. No evidence to support lower antibody levels generated by vaccination is causing problems with this.

This paper is about manufactured immunoglobulin given to individuals exposed to measles if they can’t be vaccinated (pregnant, profoundly immunocompromised, <9m of age) or if it is too late to be vaccinated after exposure (i.e. >72 hours but <7 days).

As the donor population has decreasing old people (wild type virus infected) and increasing young people (vaccine virus infected) the levels of measles antibody in immunoglobulin collected from donors is falling. And this paper is asking could we re-vaccinate specific donors to boost measles antibody for higher levels in immunoglobulin.

In countries like Australia where we have had high 2 dose MMR coverage for decades now, we achieved WHO documented measles elimination in March 2014, and every year since then have had our elimination status re-confirmed. If herd immunity were sabotaged or being sabotaged, this would not be the case.


Posted in anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, Anti-vaccine thugs, australian vaccination network, AVN, Conspiracy theory, Dr Kevin Coleman, Health Care Complaints Commission, Immunisation, meryl dorey, public health, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network, Tasha David, vaccination | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Suspended chiropractor’s supporters liken themselves to Jews and AHPRA to Nazi Germany

On September 11 2017, supporters of the suspended anti-vaccination chiropractor Simon Floreani sent out an email calling on the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia to defend Floreani from the Nazis at the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, who are apparently intent on attacking all non-evidence based practitioners, the latter being the same as Jews during the Holocaust. Oh, and they want his professional  insurance reinstated.

I don’t need to add anything extra to this:

CAA President Election 2017

Many of you may be aware of the situation surrounding Dr Simon Floreani and his campaign to run for CAA President in 2017.

Many of you have asked “What can I do to help and support?”
This is what you can do to assist Simon and ensure that Wellness/Preventative Chiropractic and the vision for Chiropractic that our Founding Fathers had will survive in Australia.

Forward this email to “” with Subject Line, “Att: Dr Matthew Fisher”

To the members of the CAA National Board,

I write to you as a CAA member in good standing in support of Dr. Simon Floreani. I ask that the CAA mount a vigorous defence on his behalf.

Like many chiropractors across Australia, I am alarmed by the seeming harassment and persecution of Dr. Floreani by AHPRA over the last several days. And we are equally concerned by the CAA’s failure to defend one of its most prominent members.

It appears Dr. Floreani has been abandoned by the association that he has served so tirelessly over the last many years. The position of the CAA seems to be that it is happy to sacrifice a few tall poppies so that the remaining poppies will be left alone. History tells us that the reverse is far more likely. Once our leaders have been picked off, we will be more vunerable than ever to unreasonable persecution.

For centuries, science has thrived in an environment of questioning and scientific enquiry. In assuming ever more power over health professionals, AHPRA has moved away from this noble tradition. Instead it is embracing the same scientific stance that Nazi Germany chose in the 1930s. AHPRA is crushing any type of enquiry or conversation, and is opting for scientific dogma. Just as Nazi Germany held that Jews were unquestionably inferior, AHPRA is demanding that health professionals not question their particular version of the truth. They claim that merely showing a documentary means that a chiropractor is a danger to the public. We would expect this attitude in Nazi Germany, but not in Australia in 2017.

AHPRA has taken Australia healthcare into a dangerous place where even orthopedic surgeons risk losing their licences if they recommend a healthy diet and exercise to their patients. What hope then for chiropractors?

The CAA needs to stand up to this over reaching organisation. It needs to stand up for its members if it is to continue to be relevant to the profession. I am asking that CAA defend Dr. Floreani in this matter. And that the CAA affirm that he is a member in good standing, and affirm that his access to Guild is restored immediately.

All of which must be leaving AHPRA quite confused.


Update October 16 2017

CAA president Andrew Lawrence published this statement, today:

Statement on the Eligibility of Dr Floreani for CAA National Board Elections 2017:

The CAA National Board sought advice in accordance with the Constitution and have determined that Dr Simon Floreani is currently ineligible to be appointed a director of CAA National. Some individuals have attempted to turn this into an emotional and/or philosophical matter; this has not been assisted by the campaign mounted by a group called ChiroAustralia .com which contains not only offensive material but misleading information. Additionally, some individuals are attempting to portray this matter as “a conspiracy and/or underhanded” which is not the case. This whole issue has been disappointing for all concerned as it has served to potentially demean not only individuals but CAA National and the profession. The facts of the matter from CAA National’s perspective are:
1. Representatives of CAA National have been in contact with Dr Floreani since this matter became public.
2. Dr Floreani has not sought assistance from CAA National either with his AHPRA matter nor the decision by his insurer.
3. The reasons for Dr Floreani’s suspension are the subject of a great deal of speculation. They are still unknown as they are exclusively between Dr Floreani and AHPRA. The CAA can only find exactly what they are when they are released to the public record.
4. There is a defined process under the national law which is available to individual registrants. National law defines this process of action and appeal and this does not allow 3rd parties like CAA to interfere.
5. Matters regarding the contract of professional indemnity insurance are between the insured and the insurer; unless this information is released by either party, the reasons are known only to them.
6. CAA National expresses confidence in the process afforded by the insurer to the insured based on information subsequently provided in accordance with the contract in place with CAA.
7. When CAA National became aware of the AHPRA public record, legal advice was sought with regards to eligibility for election in accordance with the Constitution and this has been communicated to members.
8. From a CAA National perspective, the Director election issue has moved from a legal one to an emotional one and is potentially damaging to all concerned.
9. The email campaign by ChiroAustralia .com contains offensive language and phrasing and draws inappropriate and offensive comparisons which hurt the profession broadly both internally and externally.

CAA National encourages the membership to reflect and consider the facts above regarding this matter and afford all concerned the rights and opportunity to progress in accordance with natural justice principles, national law(s), the CAA National constitution and appropriate conduct.

Dr Andrew Lawrence
President, CAA National


Posted in anti-vaccination, anti-vaccination dishonesty, chiropractic, public health, Simon Floreani, skeptic, stop the australian vaccination network | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment